In which I actually talk about what's good in Supernatural for a change

Jun 03, 2014 06:52

I'm glad I've been spoiled about Bobby's death for a while now; it definitely made the blow easier to weather. I still sobbed my way through half that episode, though. I mean, he took Dean out to play baseball and yelled at John for the way he treated his sons and loved the boys so much and "They grew up heroes." WAAAH.

I've spent a lot of words talking about what's wrong with this show (and will probably continue to do so) because it hurts me, dammit, and aside from its genuine flaws, I guess I want to hurt it back a little ^^;;. So to balance things out a bit, here's a list, in no acknowledged order, of what I love about Supernatural:
  • Cas. Crowley. Dean. Sam. Bobby. Ellen. Jo. Jody. Gabriel. Jimmy.
  • "Balls!" "Idjits!"
  • Death (er, the character).
  • All the relationships! John and Mary, Mary and Dean, John and his sons, Bobby and the boys, Bobby and Jody, Bobby and Ellen, Ellen and Jo, Ellen and the boys, Jody and the boys, Dean and Jo, Bobby and Rufus, Team Free Will!, Bobby and Crowley, Crowley and the boys, Cas and Crowley, Cas and Dean, Endverse!Cas and Endverse!Dean, Endverse!Dean and Dean, Endverse!Cas and Dean, Cas and Sam, Dean and Ben, Dean and the Impala (hee), Jimmy and his family, Jimmy and Cas, Jimmy and the boys, Henriksen and the boys, Tessa and Dean, Death and Dean, Gabriel and the boys, Gabriel and Lucifer (I really wish we'd gotten to see more of this dynamic), and yes, of course Dean and Sam.
  • 2x15: "Tall Tales," for being twice as good and three times as funny on the second viewing (after finishing Season 5)
  • "Kids ain't supposed to be grateful! They're supposed to eat your food and break your heart, you selfish dick!"
  • The recurrance of guest characters. Gordon Walker. Lenore. Meg. Tessa. Pamela. Henriksen.
  • Ash the MIT-trained Heaven-hacker. XD
  • How those who are gone are not forgotten.
  • "Why do you have to use tongue?"
  • "You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in."
  • Gabriel's reveal and evolution.
  • Bobby being fluent in Japanese <3
  • God the deadbeat dad creating asshat angels.
  • The alternate universe, alternative timeline, and time-traveling episodes, which alternately break your heart and make you grin at how cool or adorable they are, or how everyone obviously enjoy the heck out of making them.
  • The entire exchange between Cas and Dean in "Lucifer Rising"
  • "What would you rather have: peace or freedom?"
  • Dean and Sam actually going to Hell.
  • How even after almost a decade of Supernatural, the actors still bring all their passion and humor to show. (I loved The X-Files, and in many respects it was a better show, but in the end the leads not wanting to stick around soured some of that love. Same with Buffy.)


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