When I first encountered it, I thought the Japanese term Yシャツ (Y-shirt) was a typo. The second or third time, I went and looked it up. The translation: business shirt.
The heck? I thought. Where did THAT come from? I finally figured it out the other day when I saw the unpunned version, which is written ワイシャツ (wai-shirt), which itself is the shortened form of the original ホワイトシャツ (white shirt)-because the Japanese seem to have a mania for short forms for everything (think Fruits Basket -> Furuba or Saishuu Heiki Kanojo -> Saikano).
So that’s how the Japanese, rather cleverly, have Y-shirts.
(Okay, I admit it, the only purpose of this entry was to use ‘shirty’ in an expression. Hah!)
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Bridge into a Dreamer's Mind.
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