Your result for The Spanish Test...
The Native Speaker
77% educado!
You scored 77% educado. If you aren't hispanic, then you've done a great job learning. You know specialized vocabulary, and you can pass for un hispanohablante. !Felicitaciones!
Correct Answers:
cat = gato
dog = perro
name = nombre
very = muy
apple = manzana
red = rojo
yellow = amarillo
hand = mano
face = cara
truth = verdad
gentleman = caballero
kitchen = cocina
mail = correo
queen = reina
bird = ave
jewel = joya
egg = huevo
item = asunto
potato = papa
smart = listo
to lick = lamer
octopus = pulpo
under = abajo
waterfall = cascada
zucchini = calabacita
donde = where
quien = who
guapo = attractive
saber = to know
terminar = to end
verano = summer
falda = skirt
aburrido = bored
embarazada = pregnant
jefe = boss
oso = bear
hielo = ice
zanahoria = carrot
lengua = tongue (This is a trick question. While "tongue" is sometimes used figuratively to mean "language", "lengua" does not directly translate as "language".)
borrar = to erase
pariente = relative
nieto = grandchile
masticar = to chew
clave = key
ingle = groin
redondo = round
ulular = to howl
yelmo = helmet
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