
Feb 10, 2015 20:40

Because of recent local government cuts to the bus service I've been arriving late (up to 9.30 am) for work and the having to leave at 4.45 pm to catch the last bus (leaves at 5.10 pm) and am currently under review by my employers for three months. I'm on a flexi system which my basic week should be 37. It hasn't been because of road works and I get snarled up in rush hour traffic. I then walk a mile to work

I have to by law take 30 minutes statutory lunch break. Is this a sackable offence or I'm a victim of cruel circumstances that is beyond my control as I commute from a rural community to a big city? I've tried advertising my journey for a car share scheme but no one has come forward. There's at least 30 cars that pass me every morning, all of which are single occupancies.

I don't have any other viable forms of transport and would welcome any free advice from this community.
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