"Steam clears you right up?" Uh, sure...

Apr 21, 2010 00:36

Does anybody else have temperature sensory issues with bathing?

If I try to take a cold shower, I feel sniffly and shivering afterward, plus I really dislike the cold. Fair enough. But while hot showers feel good, when I get out, I find that I feel sick. As if I'm suffocated and am gonna hurl.

It goes away after a bit, but... it's rather annoying, to say the least. Heck, in general, I know I'm a sensory issue magnet, which is starting to get frustrating, because I swear it's getting worse. It used to be just that I wear rather loose clothing, but I tend to mess with my thermostat a lot, and then there's sound sensory; I love Jamba Juice, but I can't stay and drink there too long because of the blenders.

Maybe I'm just being whiny... I'm not sure what I want with this rant either. I'm sorry. Maybe just some hands of people who can relate and some advice if anybody has it? Like, things that have worked for them?

sensory issues, advice

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