new with questions

May 17, 2009 15:15

Hi all...

I am new here and have some questions. I would like to hear from others who have experenced what I am. I am a self-diagnosed aspie, although a good friend in the field says I have it. I am 30 years old.

Ok now for my questions...

1. I always have trouble in social situations. I often just don't go places because of it. I just find them too draining. I have people I talk to, but I wouldn't really call them "friends". They are just people I talk too in passing or at choir rehearsal. I find "chit chat" extremely boring... and frankly don't see the point in it as it doesn't convey any information about anything. I find in rehearsal for our choir getting very irritated, because sometimes they chat, instead of rehearsasing the music.

2. I have a problem with processing information. If I'm with more than one person, it takes me a while to process the information. I almost have to replay it in my mind before responding, which causes a few seconds or more delay. This causes a problem, because when people are talking, they think I'm stupid, or don't have a response, and move on. The more people there are, the worse this is for me. I spend so much time trying to process every thing, I can't really have a conversation.

3. If i get stressed, or tired from processing information, I sort of shut down. I get all disorentated, can't respond to what's said to me, all flustered, and just am there in body only. If I have trouble getting myself out of this state (which can happen if i'm not aware until sometimes a few days later) I explode with emotions.

4. I also tend to take things lcterally. I don't get jokes, humour or anything like that.

anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on this, or ideas on how to conbat my issues that would be great.

username: o - p, emotion, auditory processing issues, social avoidance, humor

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