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xlormplover November 30 2008, 17:32:08 UTC
Wow. I have to say, I'm not a big Jenny McCarthy fan. But...I do believe that diet and avoiding or eliminating exposure to toxins can have a huge impact on the functioning of a person with autism. I am proof positive of that fact, and so is my daughter with autism who functions 99% better than I did at her age, due to a combination of "treatments".
And, let's not be naive on the vaccine thing. Do some research and you will find that the diseases vaccines supposedly erradicated were already declining and would have pretty much died out on there own. I mean, I don't believe anyone ever came up with a vaccine for the plague, and it did not wipe out humanity. And with the advances in medicine these days I doubt many people die from measles anymore.
It is indeed still possible to get a disease you've been vaccinated against and that does happen frequently.
So, just saying, I don't have a problem with a parent doing everything in her power to help her child. I wish my parents had known that I had autism and had done ANYTHING to help me. I mean, anything...except get aggravated with me and subject me to situations in school that educated me on nothing except the cruel nature of society.
I would be interested in hearing opinions from others in this community on this topic.


aspiemama November 30 2008, 17:47:57 UTC
I agree with you on all accounts. I definitely think Jenny McCarthy is full of it. But this vid was not only biased against her it was biased against the truth. If I could get treatments for my daughter, which I can't yet because she isn't diagnosed yet, then I would, simply to help her to overcome the hurdles that constantly knocked me over at her age. Therapies and treatments are a good thing.

I also believe that some people ARE genetically predisposed to react to vaccines. I know a number of people whose kids did just that. But those cases are a small percentage of the autism cases out there.

This video was SO incredibly sarcastic and angry that it is actually difficult to tell what he is intending sarcastically and what he is meaning to say literally. Because I do believe there was some of each. Not the best source on either autism or Jenny Mc.


xlormplover November 30 2008, 17:59:07 UTC
How old is your daughter? Have you tried eliminating gluten and casein from her diet? I know of kids who have changed dramatically just with that intervention. But they have been very young at the time.
I don't know how much the vaccines I had as a kid impacted me but I do know that some dental work I had REALLY set off a chain of events with my health that I am certain were due to mercury poisoning (this was just about 8 years ago). It's a long story but it took me over a year to recover, and now with some additional changes to my diet I am doing better than I have probably at any other time in my life.


aspiemama December 1 2008, 01:33:19 UTC
She's 3.5. We have all but eliminated casein for her. Both of my kids react badly with milk, but are allowed cheese on occasion. I don't buy milk or dairy products for the most part, but allow cheeseburgers when we go out. I am considering eliminating gluten, but am not that ambitious yet as eliminating gluten is a lot harder (and more expensive, which we cannot yet afford).

I don't have any mercury fillings, but have severe issues with chemicals and perfumes. I have to really be careful there. And I have to be rather careful of my diet as well. Need to get better at that, though.


Experience humrhums November 30 2008, 18:01:06 UTC
I've been on a gluten-free. milk-free diet for over three years now and some of my symptoms are greatly reduced. For one, I just do not perseverate as much as when I was younger :-) And I'm 72. I take a lot of vitamins, minerals, anitoxidants, etc, And, I eat organically as much as possible. So, I will continue :-) Life is a lot more peaceful for me these days and I feel great :-)


Re: Experience xlormplover December 2 2008, 06:57:42 UTC
That's really good to know, that we can always do things to help us feel better and function better. I know I have been eating badly over the holiday and I can tell a definite difference. Today I was good tho :)


WRONG! turn_er_away December 2 2008, 20:12:05 UTC
I really have to correct you on vaccines because their are ideas that are not just incorrect but dangerous.
Yes no one made a vaccine to stop the Black Death and it did burn out on it's own but Polio,Smallpox,Measles and many other serious infections diseases are no longer scourges BECAUSE of one advance in medicine: vaccination! T
he reason that children don't get fevers and die and people aren't crippled for life by polio ( which can actually kill you as well) is due to that one medical advance and because they are viruses and mutate very quickly making anti-viral drugs is very hard. It's evolution in action with vaccines because they work best when everyone is vaccinated to promote herd immunity. These viruses are still around and the world will have outbreaks and children will die. Frankly I really think you need think about what will happen if people stop vaccinating children and it is one word Death! Children will Die! Children will still have autism in a world without vaccines but because of a few just plain stupid and paranoid people who love conspiracy theories millions of children will die, plain and simple vaccines are needed in society and parents owe to others. People don't have the right to subject others to secondhand smoke in most states. Personally I think controlling infections is way more important and nobody has the right to do this to the rest of the human race because of some reality defying delusion. Vaccines must be given or death will follow. Don't try to convince me with our "research" my mom is microbiologist and every study I've seen shows vaccines DO NOT cause autism and also have NOTHING to do with it. If you don't believe me just google it. These mercury moms are just so wrong it's disgusting. It's horrible one of you came to this place because it should be a safe place for aspies.


Re: WRONG! nullshade December 3 2008, 12:42:01 UTC
Yeah, I agree. I see no compelling scientific evidence that vaccines cause any kind of harm. And some of those chelation treatments are downright dangerous.

With all due respect, saying, "I had a kid with (problem X) and I applied (treatment A), and now they don't have (problem X)!" does not prove that the treatment worked. This is how wacky voodoo theories get perpetuated -- I rubbed my lucky duck keychain, and then I bowled a strike! It doesn't always happen, but it sometimes works, so everyone should do it! Replace "rubbed my lucky duck keychain" with "pumped a child full of drugs with known risks and side-effects" or "did not give my child a vaccine that could save their life" and the problem is clear to see.

There's a great House scene on this topic...alas...can't find it on YouTube. But just imagine House talking really sarcastically at you for a while, and that'll have the same effect.

Maybe: "You know what else causes neurological disorders? Fevers that melt little kids' brains because their parents don't understand the scientific method."


Re: WRONG! xlormplover December 6 2008, 04:39:56 UTC
Well, I came to this place because I have autism. Hmmm. Also my daughter has autism and my other daughter has asperger's. Just because I believe in a mercury autism connection doesn't mean I can't belong to this community. I doubt that I am the only one here that does.
I can personally testify to the hell I went through due to mercury exposure from dental work. It took me over a year to recover and I believe there are many people out there suffering symptoms like anxiety, depression, aches and pains, insomnia, thyroid disorder etc etc etc - all of which I had and more - who could probably get better by treating themselves for mercury poisoning.
I don't believe vaccines are the sole cause but they are part and contributing to the climbing numbers.
There is also research that shows polio declining just as the vaccine hit the shelves, measles as well. Yes people still get them but don't you find that's curious considering the overwhelming majority of people in the US are vaccinated?
Don't be fooled by research. It's easy to skew research in your favor. A vast majority of the studies on vaccines and autism have been funded by guess who? The pharmaceutical companies.
I am not planning on arguing with you. But just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine. I posted in response to the video with my opinion. I'm sorry it is different from yours.
Also I never want to be referred to as an Aspie or an Autie. I am a person, an American, a female, a woman, a human, let's see, a caucasion...but not an Aspie or an Autie. It sounds like a cute dog name. Sorry if this offends, again just my opinion!


Re: WRONG! turn_er_away December 6 2008, 05:29:04 UTC
I don't doubt you or your daughter's autism at all.
The issue is your delusional and dangerous views on vaccines.
Mercury is a very dangerous chemical but it is not used in vaccines.Do you eat fish? Do you handle electronics? They actually do have mercury in them. Vaccines have been proven to NOT cause autism.I just love when stupid people justify holding insane and wrong views by being paranoid about some big bad bully in the world.The FDA is an independent agency and many studies were done by hospitals and other completely unbiased people. You are not entitled to hold an opinion that is hurtful and dangerous. My opinion is not only different it's correct.
It's disgusting when people can't handle being wrong and say bullshit about something being "just my opinion" If you are too stupid to know fact from fiction then you shouldn't expect respect from anyone.I guess you have some sense to know that arguing with me isn't good for you and I won't bother dealing with your bullshit anyway. I feel ill dealing with people like you. People spew bullshit on this community all the time but you are the first person here to be enough of an asshole to do the mercury shit routine.I can't make you do anything but I really wish you would just fuck off and find some other community that likes cracked out retard posts.


Re: WRONG! xlormplover December 7 2008, 01:19:23 UTC
uh, wow...ok


Re: WRONG! xlormplover December 7 2008, 01:25:19 UTC
and lol


Re: WRONG! unpacked December 10 2008, 16:32:30 UTC
Can you please provide me with the (academic, peer-reviewed) sources you used to deduce that a) vaccinations contain mercury and b) that they in any way, shape or form cause Autism. According to my research, using nothing but published scientific articles, I've seen nothing that can prove either of your conclusions. In fact, there has yet to be any cohort study done in the entire world that provides any evidence that vaccinations cause asthma, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic arthritis or autism. I'm not going to call you stupid like the other poster, but honestly? Taking a supportive position on an issue that has no proof whatsoever (besides anecdotes, which mean nothing) is extremely uninformed and dangerous.


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