Nov 07, 2008 13:16
i am a writer. no, you've never heard of me, i ghost write. when i do pubish my own work, it's under a pen name.
i'm good. not magnificent, but, i do have a gift... not bragging, it's a fact. with that said, i suck, suck, SUCK at communication by text. i find myself floundering in some quagmire of emotions, doing some dash across using words as stepping stones,
and falling off midway, over my head, floundering, and slowing drowning as i try and recover, stupid smile in place... actually putting in character stage directions in some hope if i say "i need to understand why you felt it was blah de blah" (puzzled calm tone).
this does not work
text of any kind is written in one voice, and read in another... in a short story, even flash fiction... in a book, a script, you have the time to build up the characters, set the tone. in text messages, emails... you are limited, and find the situation going downhill as you go back and forth, reading the mail you receive in the state of emotion you are in... anger, depression, rejection... it's a kafuddle.
i tell people i have asperger's.... get it out of the way. eventually, i let them know i am a careful bi polar, who manages her disease. they learn i have ocd the first time they see my closet.
why put it out there? well, it saves the out the corner of the eye looks as i liine up my cutlery to the table edge. it explains my need to face the front of any place we go to eat, and the fact i more than likely won't eat in front of you.
it explains why, unless it's basic, you are better served calling me... conversations are a difficult map for me to traverse. without even basic compass points of hard enough to read faces and body language, black on white text is a white on white map.
how do the rest of you communicate the best???
username: am - aq,
coming out,
bipolar disorder