Abstract thought in autistics?

Feb 09, 2008 18:24

Hi folks, I lurk alot but haven't posted until now. I am not going to do a long drawn out introduction of myself I am who I am and I love being the me that I am becoming.

My thoughts are actually on my way of thinking. I know of lots of Auties who love to think in math and music and pictures but what does one call it when one thinks abstractly. I love philosaphy religon and psychology. I love to study them I love to think on those levels and in fact I can hold conversations with people about these things though I have never studied any of them formally(as in going to a college or university course) Everything I study I do for my own enrichment and much to the chagrin of those that love me most I can talk hours about these things

AM I a rare case? Or are there others who seem more comfortable thinking along the lines of the abstract? I like to joke often about how I am not one of the lucky ones who was able to do complex multiplications in their head but I can muse about the human condition for hours on end. I think it is a pretty fair tradeoff

username: f - fi, thinking

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