Aug 25, 2007 15:29
Hi all,
II'm 30 years old, from Maryland, with mild Asperger's Syndrome. I actually scored a 37 on that test. But my main hallmark, if you will, is the not picking up of non-verbal cues.
So I was wondering, how do you know if men are flirting with you or hitting on you? My interpretation is this: if they are joking with you and/or teasing you, most likely they are flirting with you. BUT I could be all wrong. Sometimes if they wink at me or something I may miss it. You know what I mean? How do we Aspie women figure it out?
I'm wondering this because I'm starting to realize I have Aspeger's Syndrome (it did show up on my DORS testing though). And my dating life for the past few years has been none, as in, no dates at all. I'm just wondering if maybe I'm missing cues (most likely), or something. I did date some in my early 20's, but I was also in college as well and well, socialized quite a bit lol.
Thanks! :)
EDIT: Hi guys, I'm not very good at LJ, so I'm going to have to freeze the comment thing or figure out how to turn off comment notifications via email again, but thanks again :).
username: b - bk,
aspie to nt misunderstanding