Loving You Was What I Was Trying To Do - Lincoln/Veronica

Mar 14, 2006 15:26

Title: Loving You Was What I Was Trying To Do
Author: Aspen Snow
Pairing: Lincoln/Veronica
Summary: A collection of sentences delving into the relationshp of Lincoln/Veronica.
Author's Note: Written for the 1sentence challenge.
This list is going to be continually updated as more sentences are written, eventually, once all 50 sentences are done I will link them to my 1sentence table.

#01 - Motion
He fell asleep to the steady motion of her breathing─ in out in out in out─ and as her warm breath settled on his skin he wondered if it was possible to love the way a person slept.

#2 - Cool
The first time he kissed her it was like sipping a glass of cool cool water under the hot hot sun─ nothing had ever tasted so good.

#3 - Young
In the right light, sometimes, he can see her lips curling around a whimsical giggle, the kind she used to hide behind the back of her hand when useless things amused her for no reason and he wonders, now, if she remembers ever being that young.

#4 - Last
They were a cliché that was never meant to last; he was the bad boy, she was the good girl.

#5 - Wrong
He wonders if she ever thinks he was wrong, if he was lying when he said she would be better of without him.

#6 - Gentle
His calloused fingers always scraped across her skin and he often wished for them to be smooth enough to be gentle─ maybe then, he thinks, he would still remember how soft she was.

#7 - One
He never believed in soul mates and true love and big gestures, but the way she looked at him so long like it was all she wanted to do was one thing he could believe in.

#8 - Thousand
He knows her favorite color, her favorite movie, her favorite pair of jeans, her favorite smell and a thousand other things about her that he sometimes wants to forget and sometimes can’t believe he ever lived without.

#9 - King
She was his Guinevere to his King Arthur─ she was always destined to leave him.

#10 - Learn
He learned she was ticklish when he was taking her shirt off and his fingers brushed too lightly across her ribs, she laughed, swatted his hand away, “I guess you know my secret now,” she’d said, and then she picked up here he had left off, pulled her shirt over her head, dropped it on the floor, and waited.

#11 - Blur
He’d set a firm line between them, she was too young, he was too old─ he blurred that line the first chance he got.

#12 - Wait
He said wait; she left the next day for college and it took her years to come back.

#13 - Change
By the time she did come back everything had changed and she was smart enough to want more out life than him.

#14 - Command
He lost control of his life when his mother died and he got it back the first time Veronica said, “I love you.”

#15 - Hold
He held her hand and pulled her along as they rushed through the rain towards the bus stop and she didn’t stop holding his hand, even when there nothing to run from and nowhere to rush to.

#16 - Need
He’d thought about telling her that he wanted her to come back, but she was the one who left and she didn’t deserve to know that he needed her.

#17 - Vision
He had visions of her dying, of losing her forever, of his heart breaking, but he never thought he would mourn losing her because she lived and he died.

#18 - Attention
“Are you listening to me?” she would say, and he would nod, but his attention was distracted by other questions─ like why she was with him in the first place.

#19 - Soul
His soul is going to hell, he knows, he has done a lot of bad things in his life, but her, her soul is going to heaven if only because she tried to save a dying man.

#20 - Picture
A picture speaks a thousand words, he has heard this before, and so he stares at the picture of her in his cell for hours waiting for it to say something that will make all this easier.

#21 - Fool
He was a fool to love a woman like her, but he is glad, for once that he was stupid enough to make that mistake.

#22 - Mad
The only time he was ever truly mad at her was that first time, when she was at school, that she didn’t call him, he would rather she said she didn’t love him than for her to forget to care about him at all.

#23 - Child
As a child, he never thought much about love, but now, with her hand in his, cool and smooth, all he can think about is holding onto it.

#24 - Now
Now he thinks that she doesn’t deserve him.

#25 - Shadow
He thinks he is a lot like Peter Pan, if only because they are both always chasing something that can’t ever really be touched.

#26 - Goodbye
He never actually said goodbye to her until the night he almost killed a man with trembling fingers and a loaded gun.

#27 - Hide
“Hide and I’ll find you,” he said, and then he covered his eyes, counted to one hundred, and when he turned around again she was gone.

#28 - Fortune
He used to spend his time planning different ways to rob a bank, he wonders now if he could have stolen a different life with that fortune, one where he had enough to keep her.

#29 - Safe
He had never thought about keeping her safe, just keeping her, and when he hears about men with black suits and silencers hunting her he thinks that maybe he should have tried.

#30 - Ghost
He has been locked behind metal and cement for so long that the memory of her touch is nothing but ghosts on his skin.

#31 - Book
He doesn’t have a favorite book, when she comes back from college she has too many─ he still has none.

#32 - Eye
She didn’t have the most beautiful eyes, but they were a common shade of brown that he saw everywhere and in everything; that, he thought, was another kind of beautiful.

#33 - Never
When she kisses him he nearly forgets his name─ he never thought she would ever be his.

#34 - Sing
She always sang along to the radio when they were in the car and when he told her that she wasn’t a good singer she always sang louder─ he wonders if she ever has a reason to sing louder these days.

#35 - Sudden
Missing her was a sudden development, one day she was here, the next she was gone and he wanted her back.

#36 - Stop
“Stop,” she says, and he does and he lets her walk out of the prison without telling her that he is innocent, he is too used to her walking away.

#37 - Time
He has no time in prison, just this small space without her, just this small space until he dies.

#38 - Wash
He washed her scent out of his sheets with laundry soap and hot water, he can still smell her though, when he sleeps and he hates her for leaving him something so small.

#39 - Torn
She was always torn between what she wanted and what she needed and he never knew which category he fell into.

#40 - History
He invents a new history for them sometimes; one where he meets her when he is still in school and his mother is still alive, she would have liked Veronica, he thinks, they had the same smile.

#41 - Power
“The power’s out,” he says, and she laughs, starts lighting candles, “Romantic isn’t it?” she says─ he agrees.

#42 - Bother
In prison he doesn’t bother praying for her to come back, he is a helpless man chained and shackled, he doesn’t believe in God anyway.

#43 - God
He prays she thinks of him long enough to make a memory that won’t die.

#44 - Wall
There are marks on the wall next to his door, she points to one that reaches her stomach, “I bet you were cute when you were this small,” she says.

#45 - Naked
He had seen her half naked on accident once, walked in on her while she was changing, caught a glimpse of a pale blue cotton bra before she threw a pillow at his head, he still thinks it is the sexiest piece of lingerie she has ever owned.

#46 - Drive
She drives to the prison when she visits─ hands on the steering wheel, foot on the gas─ and he thinks about asking her if the roads are still black and long.

#47 - Harm
"You're not...I can't do this anymore," she says, and before she can walk out the door he's clamped a hand around her wrist, clenching, pulling, forcing her to stay with fingers too rough and hard for her delicate skin- there will be bruises in the morning, he knows.

#48 - Precious
Nothing had ever been precious to him until he had been locked up in a place too small for remembering and then, suddenly, the idle way she twisted her hair around her finger was a memory he wished he had never forgotten.

#49 - Hunger
Prison food is stagnant and bland, there is nothing about it than can be savored, which is why, when she kisses him again, he tastes only the peaches she had for lunch- he hungers now for things far more tangible than her.

#50 - Believe
"I don't believe you," she says, and she turns her back, walks away- he isn't surprised.

prison break fics

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