I wanted to write a list of all the reasons I love r.star so much 'cause I've been digging through his blog, and... *dreamy sigh.* I asked Steph for a number and she said 20 so here we go. Note: These aren't in any particular order, just written as they come to me.
I love Ryan Star because he...
01.) ...paints his nails black regularly.
02.) ...has sexy-ass hair -- nice and black and ~rawr.
03.) ...has nice eyes. I love intense, angry faces like that, unf.
04.) ...has an unbelievable control over his singing voice, like whoa.
05.) ...writes 99% of his music. Both of his cds that I possess have no reference to co-writing.
06.) ...randomly breaks into hilarious songs like "Holla Back Girl" and "Barbie Girl" and Madonna. Good job.
07.) ...writes swear words in a lot of his songs, including "rape." Hooray for explicit content!
08.) ...visits elementary schools a lot to perform for kids when he has time off. Like, srsly? Aw.
09.) ...doesn't take shit from anyone. He's the genuine article, yo.
10.) ...makes music that always rips emotion from me.
11.) ...is bff-ers with Neal Tiemann. <3333 Oh, and Dave too. xD And and he glomps them and stuffs. <3 (Oh! He's also friends with Rob Thomas. Figures.)
12.) ...has one of the most hilarious blogs ever. I mean, srsly. Wtf is wrong with him? A poll about Gossip Girls vs. 90210, srsly? SRSLY?? You. Tard.
13.) ...likes to role-play for funsies and sometimes gives himself a porn 'stache to do it. *snort*
14.) ...makes the most gorgeous music videos, om nom nom.
15.) ...made a commercial about STDs. I mean, come on. WHO DOES THAT?? I love you.
16.) ...has a cool alias. I love writing "r.star" x333
17.) ...once rocked out on a piano during a performance once. I mean, ON TOP of it. He leapt on to it and slid on it or something idek anymore, but it was AWESOME.
18.) ...wrote/sings/performs "Back Of Your Car." All three versions of it. I fucking love that song.
19.) ...fucks up props if they get in his way. I wonder if he has that cow on his bus or something, hahaha.
20.) ...covered Nine Inch Nails. Love, love, love.
21.) ...has songs that are 10 minutes+ long and I have such a thing for those.
22.) ...has soooo much fun performing, it's just a treat to watch him rip up the stage. ;000
23.) ...HAS SUCH AN AWESOME SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!! I die every time I read his blog or watch his vids.
24.) ...has a favorite super hero and it is WOLVERINE, betches.
25.) ...is 31-years-old but still looks Andy's age. What a beast.
26.) ...has a piano-heavy CD that has 20 songs on it and somehow I like ALL of them. How the fuck do you do that?!
27.) ...is ripped. And has nice arms. RAWR.
28.) ...has a website (
rstar.net) that has a GORGEOUS layout and is updated all the time. I loves it. <3 (ngl, I check it 100 times more than DCO :\ )
29.) ...apparently carves pumpkins for halloween. I love you marry me.
30.) ...used to play the saxphone in high school so he could "be a good kisser." True story. X'D
31.) ...is amazing and phenomenal and you should all become a fan, seriously. <3333333333333333