Horse Business

Dec 29, 2009 14:54

So I am on day two of my "large animal" EMS placement. I was hoping for more farm animals but they are mostly horses. Oh well. I needed them too. I am hanging with the interns mostly (they have confirmed in my mind that I do NOT want to do an internship). They are very nice and helpful though. I am just tired of being low man on the totem pole.

So far I have seen an exploratory laparotomy and a blepharoplasty in surgery. I have also seen a jugular cathetar placement and several different types of bandages and splints. I also helped yesterday on a necropsy for a horse that died of colic. I had to suture it back up after we took a colon sample as the intestine were so distended that the intern had to hold them in while I sutured the hole shut.

This will be a long two weeks (Monday to Friday from 7am to 6 pm with a 40 minute commute) but it should be good experience. I am hoping to go out with the ambulatory folks later this week.

Sorry for spelling errors as I typed. This on the iPhone. Super glad they have wireless here!
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