Mar 21, 2007 16:11
It's been a long time since my last post, but hey there you go. Since I caught up with most on my friends list at Christmas, I'll restrict myself to what I've been up to since then.
Despite all promises to the contrary, work has been mostly quiet since I returned to QLD after Xmas, with the occasional week where I have to go to site. This week is no different, so I'm killing time, just about every day.
When I tried my PC after getting back, I discovered that it wasn't working. Further investigations indicate that the main hard drive is corrupted, and subsequent attempts to get it working using a different hard drive, have met with limited success, suggesting issues with either the replacement HD or other equipment. I have however, finally developed for myself a plan of attack that will hopefully see me recovering the majority of my data, and ultimately getting the PC working again within the month.
The reason I am allowing so much time for my PC issue is that I will shortly have to relocate to new lodgings, as my landlord, with only a few months to go before I was due to return to Newcastle, has decided they need the unit back, and so I have to be out by late next month at the latest, on my birthday no less. Fortunately, serendipity has stepped in and I will be lodging at a colleagues house until his family join him in July (when I'm due to leave anyway) since he has no furniture.
During February I got the opportunity to visit Great Keppel Island with some colleagues for a few days. It just so happened that a large contingent of folk from Bond university were also there that weekend, so we had an excellent time. I'll throw some of the photos up in a separate post.
I've started riding again, and the other week a friend and I went for a ride to the local botanic gardens on what turned out to be only a degree or two off the hottest day on record (40 degrees + tropical humidity) so after we'd found and followed a track leading round to the back of the local vineyard, only to discover that it was shut on Sundays (like just about everything else in Gladstone) the owner kindly let us in to have some water, and we decided that we might make our way back shortly for lunch one day, as it is quite a pleasant location. Oh did I mention the vineyard has it's own mob of half a dozen kangaroos.
Anyway, that's about it for now, it seems as though I will be here for Easter as I need to be up in Mackay on Easter Monday. But I am considering going out to Heron Is. on the May day weekend (QLD's labour holiday) and I will be in Brisbane for several days from my birthday until ANZAC day. Also, I'm hoping to get to see one of the QLD origin matches as well as get a visit out to Lady Musgrave Is. with work social events. Not to mention a jaunt up the coast once I finish up.
That's all for now.