Dec 12, 2006 22:08
So I was going through old entries and I found this one.. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were changed because they did not apply anymore, even a little.
20) Be loved.
19) Learn to cook a French cuisine.
18) Own a german Shepard.
17) see the mm john mayer again.
16) see jimmy eat world again.
15) Have a peach tree in my own yard.
14) Make a scarf.
13) Have a daughter.
12) Go to Egypt
11) Ride a camel
10) Have a garden with many beautiful flowers.
9) Be heard.
8) Be something
7) Have a honey moon
6) Sing for you
5) Go back to the cabin
4) Marry you
3) Write a book.
2) wake up in your arms every morning
1) Make you realize how amazing you are and how important you are to me.
Its just weird looking back and seeing how things are so different now than they were. For the most part i'd say that they're all better. I'd change a thing or two such asss.. everything that happened with shaun and jacqueline moving in. Bah. Fuck those things. But I love Dominic and I do not regret that at all. Im pretty awesome though huh? Im like the same person but more mature. jkjk. I miss some old things.. not too many but when I say.."the frog didn't make it" or I mention stuffing soup that person should know what I mean/who im talking about. Honestly I mean we acted like asses together most of the time but it was always fun. Even the drama was fun. We'd get buck and show our asses.. or hers :) and that'd be it. Everyone now.. Bah. Can't I just go out to dinner with some friends and have a fun time. Life is too wonderful and too short to spend it under the influence making you forget half of the things you've seen. I want to see things and live my life to the fullest. Drama takes too much energy and anger takes even more. Im not going to lie or be a hypocrite because yeah I get crazy and out of control with things sometimes too but I admit it and who doesnt do that? Anywho.. my plan. Finish my christmas break with the biggest damn smile on my face.. finish out the semester.. summer job and GOOD friends.. /extra classes. One more semester and then my love. After that same kinda deal but hopefully he'll be closer. I mean...I personally wouldnt mind flying to hawaii to stay with him.. But Virginia might be better.