March 4th-5th

Mar 07, 2006 02:03

I planned my Scouting U lesson a little too hard for the girls...but I made a website specifically for the class. The weekend was good in all. I semi-spontaneously went camping in just the clothes I was wearing. The sky was amazing.

I accidentally ate a donut Saturday morning (circa 7:30am), but it didn't occur to me until 4pm that that was breaking my lent promise of giving up sweets. I say it's not that bad. I've been doing pretty good other than that, I mean I've wanted sugar but I never seriously considered giving in at any time. Lately, however, I've not just been wanting it with my head (yeah I think about the taste of cakes a lot and sometimes, when I see a pen out of the corner of my eye, I think pixie stick), but with my body (even when I'm full, my body yearns for that extra sugary sweetness). I've been trying to trick my head with fruit and my body with more complex carbs like bread.

Speaking of Lent, I went to mass with Tyler and Doug on Sunday. It felt good. Of course, considering that I am not only not Catholic, but was not raised in a church, I was wee bit uncomfortable. I always tend to have that "I don't quite fit in" syndrome at churches...because I don't really. I simply don't know all the rules that almost everyone else was taught from birth, and whether they consciously acknowledge it or not that means I'm treated a little bit differently (To be clear - I'm not upset about this fact and it's not the reason I haven't been to church in so long). There's a lot to think about, a lot I haven't faced in a while.
Believing in God is the easy part - that I've done even before I knew what it meant and even during the times I didn't particularly want to - it's what comes next that's always been more difficult.

Animal control should be out here sometime tomorrow to take care of the squirrels. I had to play quite a bit of phone tag to get their number and I think I horrified a couple of receptionists. "So I found this trash can full of..."

A link because I love you.

"If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time."
~Edith Wharton

quotes, self-actualization, apo/service, friends, god, website stuff, interesting links

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