I watched Jerry McGuire with Peggy Sue last night. I'm going to give it a 60% chick flick rating (after consulting with others) because of the high sports element and male bonding.
Note to Tom Cruise: You're just kind of unstable, aren't you?
More girly movie night hijinks shall ensue tonight! Place: my messy apartment. Time: um...at some point after our
tri-secs meeting. Invited: the pretty ladies! Style: spur of the moment!
Perfection is not obtainable here. Unrealistically pushing yourself to achieve perfection is depressing and won't end well. So the moral of the story is: go ahead and try to be better, but don't be obsessed with being better...and remember to worry about yourself first before poking other people. The goal is found in moderation. That's your grail.
Where did that come from? The world may never know.
And now a quote game: "she can't escape their watchful eyes...or the floating head of l. ron. hubbard." It was said by the lovely
nikloo, guess the context!!