Service Zombies

Jan 30, 2005 17:01

We had our first service project yesterday. I had trouble sleeping the night before, I think because I was nervous about how things would go down. I think it went pretty well and I learned a little more about how a Service VP is supposed to act at an event.
  1. My main job at an event is not to do service, but to make sure everyone else is.
    • My main task for the day was running around looking for one of the staff, Pete, trying to get more task lined up before we finished them.
    • I can't just let myself get lost in the action of the service, I need to monitor everything not just what I'm doing.
    • If I'm doing something and someone else is just standing around bored, I should let them have my spot.
    • Try to make the staff be a bit more specific about tasks before-hand (and don't feel bad when you did try, they couldn't tell you, and people were pissy anyways).
  2. I need to know when to ask the volunteers for advise and when to lead.
    • Getting consensus is good, but don't make it seem like you're asking because you're clueless about the situation.
    • Not all your decisions have to be committee-made.
    • People are looking at you to tell them what to do.
  3. Always be positive, no matter the situation.
    • You can't please everyone, but if you're happy and seem in control you'll get a better percentage.
    • You will work your ass of on every project and you will not get recognition for it. You will like it that way. In fact, you love it; it makes you do a little dance.
    • Provide morning snacks, but get better at estimating the amount.
    • Praise people for doing a good job/sign them up for getting sunshines.
    • Eating together = awesome...make it happen more.
    • Smile and be cheerful! The way you act reflects how people interpret the condition of the service project, the service program and the organization as a whole.
  4. Be immensely sexy.
    • Yeah, like you even need to try on this one. :P

I thought the project was fun, I even stayed an hour after time with Peggy Sue, Nicole D., and Lindsey H. working on cleaning up a pantry. We had three potential members come and help out, which is just outstanding. Afterwards, Nikloo and Peggy_the_Angel came over to my place and watched Shaun of the Dead followed by Thoroughly Modern Millie. We ate ramen noodles and donuts left-over from the service project. It was ecstatically good times.
Of course, I dreamed about zombies last night.

My winamp is set to random and while on the beelz playlist these came up:
Rockapella - Stand By Me
John Lennon - Stand By Me
maybe two songs later:
Ben E King and the Drifters - Stand By Me


strange, shenanigans, apo/service, music, movies/plays/television

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