Daddy bought me worms for my upcoming birthday. A full pound of red worms. I am the happiest little princess ever!
He also got me
a worm bin to put them (outside on our front deck). In a few days, I'll be a-compostin'. Until I get around to getting a
proper kitchen compost pail , I'm collecting food scraps in an old ice bucket I picked up at the
Peace At Home Thrift Shop.
I recently started a mini herb garden on our front deck.
It's all planted in organic potting soil (
Miracle-Gro and
Expert Gardener brands) and recycled plastic containers (that help regulate the watering for novice gardeners like myself).
On April 20th, there was an Earth Day thingy on campus. I got a free "Red Hot Sally" flower and it hung out on my porch pitifully in it's little plastic container shriveling right up. I decided to start that herb garden
I'd been contemplating with the yummy smelling lavender and mint plants and it took several days, until April 30th, and trips all over town to track down my preciouses (Home Depot and Lowe's).
This, of course, was not enough once I started (and enjoyed fresh mint in my tea). A week later I spent a couple more days planing and tracking down my next set of conquests (consulting
Laura and my dad). On May 1st I got the sweet basil, thyme, and parsleyl at the Springdale Walmart (it has a way better gardening section than either of the Fayetteville super centers) and onion chives at the Harps on Garland.
At this point I had the big planter and the little planter, so clearly I could never be truly satisfied unless I had the medium planter to complete my set. I planned and consulted with
Jenni-pooh the day before and fearlessly headed out to the
Farmers' Market on May 12th where I found some locally and naturally grown dill and cuban oregano (which I later found out was not an actual oregano :( ...but should work the same for culinary purposes). When going to pick up some lunch at
Ozark Natural Foods (where I recently became an owner about a month ago), I found some lavender mint (me oh my I loves me some mint) to finish off my little garden.
Next on my hit list is some durable containers to start collecting recyclables, because the apartment building ain't doing it for us.
I made mostly raw "ice cream" for a treat after my last final. Two frozen bananas (note to self: peel the bananas before freezing...doh), 2 tablespoons vanilla (calls for teaspoons...), fresh mint to taste (optional), and a blender. It was pretty good, I may experiment with it (and other fruits) more. I can't wait until my lavender blooms.
I have 4 peeled bananas in my freezer right now.
To commemorate Paris's upcoming jail sentence, I downloaded her CD. HOTT. Favorite line: "Everytime I turn around the boys fighting over me...Maybe cuz I'm hot to death and I'm so so so sexy." Classic.