Sep 06, 2008 16:24
While doing a bit of ironing, I heard this coming from the television, which I'd only put on as a bit of background noise in lieu of a radio.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy: We want to know your views. Were you satisfied with the G-Spot Season? Did programme names such as The Perfect Vagina turn you off? As a man, did you merely tune in for titillation? Today we have *such and such a person* with us, welcome *such and such a person*. First of all, did you tune in and watch Lisa Roger's Perfect Vagina with your daughter?
*such and such a person*: I did, yes. Though I would like to make the correction that we sat and watched A Perfect Vagina, not Lisa Roger's Perfect Vagina.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy: Of Course.
I ironed that collar about 7 times.