
Jul 09, 2009 15:32

I am once again employed, to start work this coming Monday (the 13th). It will be the same thing that I was previously doing, just at a different University. I will be the only technician, so the position is extremely stable, and I am getting a better salary than at Cal Poly.

Over the past 7 months I've done not much of anything outside of Renaissance fair, visit friends/family in Nevada for a week, and sit in front of my computer playing EVE. I feel like such a bad friend in that I haven't really made time to hang out with anyone. I haven't talked to anyone in months aside from drunk dialing Carlton at 1 AM to ask him where my toast was.

Granted I was getting paid by the state for sitting around the house, but it was barely enough to scrape by. My eating habits have gone to shit for not wanting to spend money on food. We've gone out a couple times to a dinner here or birthday party there and spent a little bit of money (that we didn't really have to spend). We are both now carrying a small bit of debt, but hopefully that will get completely paid off in the next 2 months.

My car is drivable, but has some electrical fault that is leaving me with a dead battery. I will probably just have to disconnect the battery while I am at work and overnight to keep it fresh until I can sort this shit out. I have a feeling that it may be the faulty brake switch that was recalled and I never replaced because I didn't want the dealership mechanics touching my car anymore. Bastards wouldn't just give me the part, but I can understand why.

I've doing an event this weekend with my Renaissance fair group out in LA, and then going camping with them on the weekend of the 31st. The second weekend in August we'll be up in San Francisco for my nephew's 1st birthday. Then on the 22nd of August is the Stone Brewery's 13th anniversary brew fest, http://www.stonebrew.com/13th/, which Sarah and I will be attending with friends from San Diego. Anyone else that is interested in going, we will be attending the 11 am time slot. We went last year and had a great time. Each one of the breweries on the list sets up a booth and has multiple beers on tap. You get a bracelet with 10 tabs. Each tab gets you a 4 oz sample of beer. You get to try a lot of really good beer.

There might be some other stuff we're doing, but I can't remember at the moment.
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