happy happy happy!

Dec 16, 2005 00:43

I love doing things for people who don't give a shit, especially when it is keeping me entertained. One of my greatest projects yet! (at least i think so... ok so darth looks like a kid but who really cares?) May those who talk about me beware for I know their secrets and am not afraid to let them out if necessary... Of course it shouldn't be necessary. Too bad. Revenge can be so sweet. I like things that are sweet. Perhaps that is why my liver is fatty? Does anyone really read any of this anyway? Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself but that's ok. I'm good to talk to. =) Still deciding what to do about school... might need to put it on hiatus for now and take care of shit. Better to take care of everything now when I've already made progress. Maybe I should take some courses at farmingdale... lol. I wonder if anyone would try to shoot me if I showed up for auditions... That'll never happen. I can dream though. And speaking of dreaming I have lost another pound... that makes 11! My tummy is definitely getting smaller and for that I am extremely grateful to all of the things that have stressed me out lately and have prevented me from eating. Something good really does come out of every situation if you just look for it. Maybe this was supposed to happen so that I would lose weight and meet a super hot rich guy! Dreaming again... What can I say? Somewhere along the line I became an optimist, very strange indeed. In other news I have had 2 guys hit on me already... this is exciting. Of course one of them was a random stranger in target and the other is... well... I'm not even going to talk about. Let's just say I'm not interested. At least not everyone finds me worthless.

Coolest People of the day... (probably week, month and year too...)

Nicole ( I heart you sooo much, I could not be where I am today without a great friend like you... You're one of the best friends I have ever had)

Gayle ( I love you too and I wish we could see each other more often. Thanks for always thinking what I'm thinking... it's good not to have to explain things 10 times...)

Kathryn ( my partner in destruction and probably the person that thought about my situation the most besides me. She is the coolest cousin ever!)

Dylan (You are awesome! You've always been a great friend to me and I appreciate it. You know what it means to be a friend... yay!)

Most uncool people of the day...
not even going to bother with this list... it's too long and a waste of time although Kevin Bacon is and will always remain at the top of this list.
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