I had always sort of believed myself to be one of the world’s greatest nothing-doers. I never wore this as a badge of pride, of course, but nonetheless I’ve always been strikingly aware of my ability to burn endless hours, particularly if I’ve got something that I’m really, really supposed to be doing. Over the last week or two, though-since starting this job-I was kind of of the impression that I had lost my touch. Hell bent on working like a maniac, when I came home I wanted to do stuff like clean my room or pay bills or in some other way act like a grown-up. Like, I would find myself lying awake in bed thinking about how I forgot to hang up my pants and this thought would actually nag at me until I got up and hung up my pants, and that never ever happens to me.
Thankfully (or not), today I relearned that knack for time-wasting with a vengeance when I dropped of my dad’s parking pass at my parents house and discovered their supply of popcorn and their 80-skajillion-plus-channel dish-equipped TV. Shabam-day wasted.
2 comments about the cable equipped universe (with which I have very little contact):
1) I love the sci-fi channel because it’s this freakshow hospice for B actors. Today I watched this body-snatcher themed movie called Robin Cook’s
Invasion, which I assume was adapted, and probably rather poorly so, from a book by none other than Robin Cook, of whom I’ve never heard. But this movie, which otherwise would have been unwatchable, starred
Luke Perry,
Kim Cattral, and
Rebecca Gayheart,
SIKE! I know half of y'all thought this was just another IMDB link, but it’s not. It’s actually an entire other mini-post about Rebecca Gayheart (if you’re really dying for her imdb page, though, you can scope it
here). Believe you me, I’m certainly well aware that there’re really no justifiable grounds for having a celebrity crush on Rebecca Gayheart anymore than there would be for having a crush on…say…
Kelly Ripa. (Click that link-you don’t want to miss the picture. It’s even worse if you actually click for the enlarged version.) Really about the only rationale I have for my unfathomable attraction to Becca is that I first saw her at the impressionable age of 15 when she played the cellist in Vanishing Son, and, well, she made an impression. Probably an underwear-based one at that. Ever since I’ve kind of gotten a thrill whenever she shows up in a walk-on role, as she almost invariably does. I’m probably the only man alive that remembers Earth 2. Know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking after viewing RG’s IMDB page that she was not too long ago in a movie called Pipe Dream which also starred megababe
Mary-Louise Parker, and that this movie should find its way onto
bugboy3001’s netflix list. For sure.
and was therefore completely fascinating. I won’t bore you with the plot, except to tantalize you with the juicy premise that alien rocks bite most of the population of Earth. For real. To be fair, the movie was probably about as well cast as one could hope: Luke Perry’s rock-bitten character is supposed to act bizarre and wooden, which is the only thing he’s good at, and Rebecca Gayheart spends the first 20 minutes or so walking around in her underwear, which is just about the only thing she’s good at, so that worked out well. As if you needed still more reasons to scope out this masterpiece, all you Sex in the City fans out there might be interested to know that Invasion was released in 1997, just one year before SitC’s first season, and so therefore may very well have been the role that got Kimmy the gig. Plus, Rebecca Gayheart and biting rocks. Please note the double-entendre in the previous sentence. Anyway, check it.
2) Are all you guys out there aware of Free Speech TV? No? I sure as shit wasn’t. But I think I may be kind of hooked now after seeing this show called My Messy Bedroom, which turns out to be a show (this episode at least) in which a bunch of chicks sit around and talk about masturbating-an excellent idea for a TV show. Of course, approximately 2 minutes of research on the show’s host,
Josey Vogels, informs me not only of her syndicated-article-writing status, but also that this show first appeared on the Women’s Network. This is, quite frankly, something of a buzz-kill.
So apparently that's what I did with my Saturday. I’d probably better go now-I think the Sci-fi network is re-broadcasting Alien Siege.