This is a continuation of a two-week series of posts that I have been doing on my personal blog; wanted to share it here as well. :)
Today I'm thankful for...
All my friends
Is it cheating to sneak this in under the "A" heading for today? ;) Samantha had a good point in her comment on yesterday's post: I could have saved my "anniversary" gratitude writeup for today. Ah, well. :)
All my friends, though. Yes, I am very thankful for each of you. Today I was able to catch up with Tammy with a 1.5 hour phone call, and then this evening Tara called while I was making supper. I feel so blessed that these girls - and so many of the rest of you - have been there for me through the years despite the many miles that separate us.
You have lifted me up when I've needed encouragement and prayer, you have rejoiced with me when I've had good news and shared sympathy and good advice when things are tough. You have set an example of Christ-like love and unselfishness, in so many ways I don't begin to deserve - and probably far moreso than most of you realize.
I am a rich woman indeed to have each of you in my life. I thank God for you often, and look forward to many, many more years of sharing the journey together. :grouphug: