Jun 08, 2011 01:30
Thanks so much to all who are keeping Joe's job situation in prayer. He was told yesterday that this morning (Wednesday) he'd be meeting with a supervisor and HR person, and we figured they'd most likely be giving him the news that he'd be terminated from the clinic, as a result of not passing the last quiz.
Instead, when Joe got to work tonight he got word of the updated plan of action. God had been answering prayers even as we were praying. :) Here it is in an update he posted to FB:
"Apparently I will only be meeting with my supervisor to discuss the latest corrective action plan. I will have until 6/20 to turn in corrected answers to the questions I missed on this last quiz (I have to obtain 100%). I have a quiz in July and an annual competency in October, both of which I have to pass with 90% or better. As long as I pass those, I will have a mid-year assessment in March or April of next year. However, failing to earn 100% on my corrections, or 90% on subsequent quizzes/competencies, I face further corrective action, up to and including termination from Mayo. As it is, I am suspended for one day, and so will not be coming to work tomorrow night (Wednesday night)."
They have certainly been very gracious in giving him multiple chances to learn the material and pass the criteria, and we are grateful! Though the pressure of these quizzes and the continued uncertainty about how long he'll have this job is stressful, we're very thankful he still has such a good job.
Prayers are appreciated as Joe prepares for these quizzes, especially these corrected answers due on June 20 (100% correct is a daunting requirement!). He is at a great disadvantage to the other employees there as the night shift has given him very little hands-on chance to learn the concepts he's being quizzed on, and they are extremely specific cases that weren't able to be completely covered in his college education. We're not sure what it'll take for the concepts to "click" for him, so prayers for wisdom in that area are needed.
Thank you, friends! It means so much to us to have support and prayers through this time. God is faithful. :)