You are loved! [H-O]

Feb 14, 2008 14:54

I think h_a_n_n_a_h is one of the coolest and most creative gals out there.

happyathome, I miss you! I hope all is well with you and your family. May God continue leading you and providing for you as only He can!

heartandhome Words can't truly describe how you've touched my life, Ash. Through your bloggings, your pictures, your articles on YLCF...... you're an inspiration to me! All you've been through and all you are going through right now as your beloved leaves your side for 13 months. You're a picture of courage to me :)
If I could give you a big 'real' Hug right now, I definitely would. If you need anything or need prayer, I'm here for you. ((HUGS))
Hold fast to God and remember He will never ever leave or forsake you.
Thank you for being my friend, Ashleigh. Give Troy and Merritt hugs for me!

heartandhome- You are an amazing woman!

heartandhome is so mature, sweet, and hilarious! I admire her lots.

Yes, heartandhome is VERY mature and VERY sweet!!! -joyfullyhis

heart2pen is one of my favorite little brothers, even if he does like to say he's older than me. ;-) God has big plans for your life, Mr. Hairpin -- keep your eyes on Him, and shoot for the stars. :-D

HeartToPen - You are another one that I'm blessed to know irl. You always bring a smile. May you to continue to be a blessing and bring glory to our Lord.

hiddninchrist is one of my most steady friends and faithful prayer partners. I know she'll always be there for me, and that means a lot. I hope she realizes just how much God IS using her in so many lives.

Beth hiddninchrist has always been willing to pray for me and my family.That means more to me than she will ever know. Love you,Beth!

hiddninchrist is a very sincere friend and prayer partner. You have been such a blessing to me, Beth! Keep trusting in the Lord and He will bring His best about for you.

hischosenbride is a HUGE encouragement and blessing! Her love and passion for knowing God more, is contagious!

hischosenbride is a sweet girl and has written many beautiful, meaningful pieces of poetry.

hischosenbride Rissa,your poetry is so encouraging and thought-provoking! You make me smile whenever I see that you've posted something... I can't tell you how much I enjoy your posts. And I know this will give away who I am (probably) but I am very much looking forward to seeing you in April!! Thank you all the times that you've encouraged me in the past few years... meeting you has been a Blessing indeed. Love you!!!

hischosenbride- You are such a sweet dear girl and friend to me. I will always be here for you.

hischosenbride, the beauty of Christ is so evident in your life. Thank you for that! It so encourages me to let God change and mold my life like He chooses. You truly are beutiful in spirit!

hischosenbride...I'm so very thankful to count you as a little sister! Your friendship is a treasure, and it's been wonderful to see God at work in your life, shaping you into a woman after His own image. You are beautiful, inside and out!

hischosenbride is a special "little sister" in the faith. You have encouraged me very much and I look forward to seeing where God leads you in the years ahead!

hischosenbride Your sweet spirit is a blessing to me, thank you so much for your friendship.

hisgirl21-I love your ability to find Jesus working in whatever life brings!

hisgirl21 is so pretty and lively! Stay close to Jesus, always!

hisgirl21 is such a dear friend to me. She may be younger then I am, but she is much further ahead in her nursing classes then I am. For that reason, I look up to her. She has always managed to calm me down and point me to Jesus when the waters get rough. Sarah, I can't imagine what I would do without you. *hugs* Keep on serving and trusting our precious Savior! -channahgrace

For hopefulsilence: Thank you for being yourself, for being funny and creative and upbeat. I will always appreciate the kind notes you have left in my journal. I feel like I can relate to you and that you can understand me. I am looking forward to the time when I can meet you. Keep pressing forward, and always remember that nothing is too hard for the Lord!

hopefulsilence Thanks for being a friend and a very fun one too! Your cheerfulness and optimism often brighten my day, not to mention your great humor! Your missionary spirit is inspiring...keep living for the Lord! =)

imaphotographer is a beautiful soul. Loving, sensitive, and sweet. Knows just how to make someone's day. Can always make you laugh. I love you, Jenn! <3

imaphotographer is a very fun girl to be friends with. I love her energetic twist on life, and how she makes the world stand still on a second of time through her photography.

inhishandsrsd Vanessa, you AMAZE me! You've truly learned that through all the trials, God is always there. Your faith is so inspirational to me. You have so much courage and I can see how your illness has only made you stronger in the Lord. Your art work and pictures are great! Keep up the good work!
You are in my thoughts and prayers continually and I know that God is answering them.... hold on! I'm so glad that things are starting to "look up" for you and your hard work has paid off. You persevered even when it looked hopeless. I love you, my friend. ((HUGS))

inhishandsrsd (Vanessa), you are an inspiration...your faith and joy throughout your trials are wonderful to see. May the Lord bless you richly!

inhishandsrsd, you keep trusting and looking up and that is such an example to me - THANK YOU! You have blessed my life.

inhishandsrsd's faith is amazing! I appreciate the way she keeps the focus on Jesus, even in the hardest of times. God IS at work in all the trials, and He is being much glorified through your life, Vanessa. Keep pressing on -- His grace is sufficient!

inhishandrsd: You are such an inspiration to me and others! Keep looking Up!

inhishandsrsd is like a special sister to me - the sister I've never met (yet!) She is facing hard trials in her life right now, but she always has a song in her heart. If anyone needed proof that Jesus if alive, they would just need to take a look at her life. She has such a sweet, humble, accepting attitude towards God's will for her life, it amazes me at times. Nessa, I love you! Keep on keeping on! All will be right in the end. -channahgrace

ithilien_elf is a beautiful dreamer and she inspires me.

jeremiahs_wife It's so nice to have a "local" friend on here :)
Even though we don't get to see each other, it's neat knowing that you're not very far away :) You're an inspiration to me as you aspire to be a Godly wife to Jeremiah and Mother to your soon- to- be- 3 children! I'm so happy for you and wanted to encourage you to keep following our Lord and Saviour!
You're a blessing in my life!

jeremiahs_wife- I admire your example and have enjoyed getting to know you a little better via LJ.

I know I'm not alone when I say that jessescrystal is a huge encouragement and blessing! I've learned so much from her, and am honored to have her for a friend.

jessescrystal is simply incredible...I don't know how she accomplishes so much! When I think of women who display Prov. 31 qualities, Crystal comes to mind.

I second that about jessescrystal ! She is such a blessing in my life and while she doesn't journal over here, her Biblical Womanhood site has made a very big impact on my life. Thank you, Crstyal!! -joyfullyhis

I'm so blessed by your friendship, joyfulgal.

joyfullyhis is a constant loving example to me and I always look forward to reading her journals!

joyfullyhis, you are such a dear friend!!! Thanks for always being there for me, to listen and lend advice. Thanks for all of your encouraging words and comments. You will never know how blessed I feel to have you as a friend. Thank you!! Your attitude of love and servanthood is such a blessing to see. Jesus shines through you. Keep shining your light! I love you so much! <3

Jaclynn and Samantha... You both are SO sweet and SO encouraging!! You leave countless upbeat and positive comments (I've seen them on many journals, not just on my own!) and are always so happy when good things come to your friends. You are both the MOST encouraging LJers I know... I hope others step up to encourage you when you need it, too! :) Thanks for being my friends. :)

delightinginhim and joyfullyhis are some of the sweetest, most encouraging and caring friends I've ever had.

joyfullyhis & delightinginhim, your faithful comments are always such a blessing, that no matter how stupid of a post it may have seemed to me the next day, you both have something nice to comment about :P. Seriously though, you've been such an example to me of showing that you value a person, simply by listening and being there to encourage. Thank you!!

I appreciate joyfullyhis' honesty and the way she does so much to encourage others - it is a vital ministry, and I'm sure she's impacted many more lives than she realizes.

joyfullyhis is one special girl. She has the rare gift of always seeking to uplift and say an encouraging word. Her comments always have a sweet substance to them that brighten the lives of many young ladies, I am sure! Therefore, she needs an encouraging word here: Those who bless others will be blessed themselves many times over. This is my prayer for you. Thank you for brightening my life (emails) and my journal. It would be so nice to meet you one day!

I've never met joyful_mom, but she seems like such a great mother! Her children are very blessed by her faithfulness.

joyofliving is a beautiful, capable girl with such a passion for Jesus. I look forward to seeing how God uses her in the years ahead!

joyofliving Your sweet, encouraging spirit and your friendship mean a lot to me. God bless you richly!

laura_w and kari_w are the coolest twins I have ever known!

Katie, I'm glad Bethany has you for a friend so I could "meet" you and have you for a friend ;) *smile* Perhaps someday, we can meet in person... after all... you really aren't that far away. *wink* It's been great getting to know you and even learning from you.... you're a smart person =) We have quite a few interests in common; not to mention our faith! It's been great having discussions with you on a multitude of topics.... helped me to think about my own beliefs more and find out just what I really do believe :) *hugs* Keep on pressing towards the mark!

katiebrazil, you are one dear girl to all who know you. Your example is a great blessing to me and many others. Thanks for always showing the love of Christ. I love you!

katiebrazil: You are so much fun! I am thankful for your friendship.

katiest While I don't really know you yet, it's been fun reading your posts and getting to know a little about you!
Keep living for the Lord, Katie and follow where He leads and you will find happiness! God Bless you!!

katieest, words cannot express how thankful I am to you for your friendship. I appreciate your love, support and understanding. Thanks for sharing your life with me. Your faith through the hard times is a blessing to see. Keep on looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!!!

kayjay88 KJ, even though you're younger than I, sometimes I think you should be older.... you are wise and kind and have such a tender heart for children and missions. I've missed you while you've been away but I'm glad you could go to the Philippines and teach there. May God guide you as you decide whether to stay or not. Prayers and ((Hugs)) for you!
God Bless you, my friend!!

kayjay88 takes awesome photos (keep it up!)and is such a sweet friend! =)

I just have to leave a comment about kayajay88 even though she probably won't get to see it. She is such a fun friend. =) And I admire her mature outlook on everything, her problem solving attitude, her striving to serve the Lord, and her special creative talents in design and photography!

kellchecker is a dear, sweet friend who is an encouragement to all who know her!

kellchecker is a very loyal friend to those who love her!

kingsrose, I LOVE YOU!!!!!! Thanks for being my friend, my encourager and for understanding me when no other person does. Thanks for being a great example! Your love for the Lord is so obvious as well as your love towards your family. Your modest dress and purity is a great example in this day and age. <3 <3 <3 I have been so blessed by you!

krikketgirl inspires me to be more myself.

kygirl17, I love you SO much! Thank you for your friendship and love!! You have given me so much of yourself and sacrificed for me. You have supported me in times when few people knew what was really going on with me. You have allowed me to share so much with you and have given me your trust. Thank you for everything. You are so sweet, tender hearted and loving. THANK YOU!!!

ladyneferank I'm afraid that I don't really know you very well yet, either. But thank you for friedding me and I hope we can get to know each other more in 2008. Thank you for forming the Bible Readers community; what a great idea! I look forward to the input we can all offer each other.
Thank you for the book and movie reviews too.
Keep pressing on towards the mark and perserving.
God Bless you!

lauramay86 Laura, thank you for introducing us to LJ; I've met so many kindred spirits here. I've made new friendships and renewed old ones because of you! Know that I am thinking and praying for you as you look to the future....
*hugs* I love you, Laura!!

lauramay86-Thanks for starting it all! =) *hugs*

lauramay86, thanks for being such a sweet friend. your love for God and others is so obvious. Thanks for your great example.

laura_w and kari_w are the coolest twins I have ever known!

lillibetlayne is such a special friend, even though she never comes around LJ these days. I thank God for you, Liza, and look forward to seeing how He guides you in the years ahead.

I agree - Liza is a very caring, sweet, spontaneous person. She has enriched my life!

lilyforchrist, I enjoy reading your posts! Keep it up.:)

livingmemorials Johanna, you're the best friend I've ever had from Singhapore ;) (Heh, not to mention the only friend from Singapore...) =D I'm so happy for you and Aaron and if I could, I would come to your wedding!! You've had to go through so much in your 22 years and yet you never took your eyes off Christ. He brought you out of something that wasn't so great.... and look where He is taking you now. Wow!! You've blessed my life and reminded me to stand up for what is right even if it is really hard to "go against the flow". ((BIG HUGS)) &hearts

livingmemorials - My first overseas ljer and I've loved every minutes of it. You have had to make some tough decisions and I've really admired you in all that you do and may the Lord bless you and Aaron abundantly!

livingmemorials, you are a joy to talk with; sweet, encouraging, fun. You are thoughtful and giving. I'd love to be at your wedding if I could, though it doesn't look likely.

lovedandamazed has a great work ethic and a real servant's heart. I'm blessed to have her as a friend and would love to see her post more. ;)

lovedandamazed is the epitome of a steady, faithful friend: a very special treasure. I know I can count on her to pray for me and be loyal no matter what I'm going through, and I appreciate her humility, gentleness, and unselfishness. She's going to make an amazing wife and mother in God's perfect timing!

loverofdestiny is sweet and generous, someone who listens and cares about what you're going through. Thanks for everything!

lurkingnolonger Sarah,just wanted you to know that you are an encourgement to me and a great friend! Love ya!!!

I admire Mandajanie's perseverance through very difficult times. I've been blessed to watch her grow into an incredible woman!

mandajanie, I am so happy for what God has done in your life in the past 2 years. You are someone who makes my life richer and I rejoice to see you happy and loved.

mandajanie has come a long way - it's wonderful to see how much God has done in her life, and I can't wait to see how He continues to bless and guide her!

It has been a privilege to know mandajanie for as long as I have; I'm so thankful for her friendship and for being able to be a part of her life as she has grown.

mchapin has the most infectious laugh I've ever heard, and I love the way Jesus' joy shines through her life!

melyndie is so talented, and it's good to see how she is able to use her skills in ways that bless others. Her posts about G always make me smile!

mercytears, I'm SO glad God caused us to meet! Every means of communication we may use is always a blessing to me. Thank you!

mercytears is a beautiful and loving woman of God.

missamber gives so much to others! I appreciate her cheery, steady faith.

missamber's dependence on the Lord through difficult, trying times has been very touching and always an encouragement to trust the Lord and keep moving on.

missbusylizzie is such a sweet and encouraging person and I am so glad that God hads allowed us to get to know one another through LJ!

misshoneybee, thanks for your sweet caring attitude and love for others. I have been blessed by you just in the little time I have known you. <3

misshoneybee, I have enjoyed getting to know you here on LJ, and as I've seen we have more and more in common, it's been a blessing to share this walk on the narrow way with you. THANK YOU for your friendship.

missjuliamarie is someone that I would love to meet in person. You have been a great sister-encourager, Julia! Speaking of sisters, I am so thankful for what God has done in Rachel's life - what a testimony of God's faithfulness to your whole family and all who are blessed to know you.

I can't believe missjuliamarie and I have never met! One of these days it will have to work out. ;)

miss__me It's been so much fun just getting to know you, Mel!
You've put a smile on my face so many times with your "bubbly" posts :) I've really enjoyed your pictures too. You have one of the cutest little sisters ever!
Like I said to Rissa...this will probably give me away.... but I'm very much looking forward to the possibility of meeting you in April!!! Hurray!
Walk with God and He will always be by your side. Love you!!

I've said it before, but moredetails definitely has a knack for making the everydayness of life interesting and fun to read about.

mrs617 is a born mommy. I'm so glad she still makes time to keep in touch with us even though her life is happily full.

mrsr is such an example to me of diligence and faithfulness, and she demonstrates so many Prov. 31 qualities. It will be good to see how God continues to bless her little family!

Andrea (muzic4him), you shine for Jesus. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to be your friend. Your encouragement has been a huge blessing to me as well as your example. Your example of purity, modesty and a keeper at home has blessed many girls. I look up to you as an older sister. THANK YOU! And, I LOVE YOU! :)

muzic4him, God has blessed my life countless times though your posts on LJ and other blogs - thank you SO much! I'm amazed at how timely your posts are for my life!

nicoledanielle...thanks for being a "big sis" in my life! Seeing your posts on my friends' page is always such a treat, even though I don't comment as much as I should. Blessings on you and your adorable family!

I enjoy numbugz's creative and uplifting posts. :) I'd really like to get to know her better!

numbugz is someone who truly wants to grow in her life. She is a fun sister and sensitive friend. May all the best come your way!

onlybelieve Janine.... wow. I have so much to say that I don't know where to start. You amaze me. You've been through a lot of hard times in your life. Illnesses, impossible tests and exams, no sleep, losing loved ones etc.... You're so brave! You've inspired me to do more and be more and do it ALL for Jesus, too.
May God Bless you as you follow His leading.
Perhaps someday we can meet; wouldn't that be great?
Keep up the good work. Thank you for being my friend!!!

onlybelieve- Wow! is all I can say. I've come to believe that you are capable of just about anything (and I mean that in a good way). The Lord be with you in all that you pursue and undertake!

onlybelieve, thanks for being my friend. It is a blessing to see you following the Lord through your life- even when things aren't easy. You shine brightly in this dark world. Keep shining and blessing others! <3

onlybelieve- I know God has given me you as a friend to show me what He can do with a life that is being lived for him, through the good and the bad. What I especially like about you is how you seem 'real'. Like you aren't ashamed of your struggles and aren't ashamed that you're human nature has it's ups and downs and yet Christ is working in you. Thanks for being my friend! -hopeful_silence

onlybelieve I admire your courage through life's you keep going even when everything looks so bleak and disappointing. Keep persevering on and trusting the Lord! You're an inspiration to others. And you're so sweet and loving!
Love you! *hugs*

onlygrace is such a sweet sweet girl.Her desire to live for Jesus is such a wonderful example to me. I love you girl! Keep Pressing on!

onlygrace is an incredible blessing from the Lord! A complete sweetheart, she is gifted in empathy (weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those that rejoice!) and thoughtfulness, and is always ready to pray for her friends. Love you, Leah!


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