i used to count lovers like railroad cars....

Dec 01, 2004 10:34

well, hello and HAPPY DECEMBER kids.
I'm sad to see November go so soon... she realy flew by this year.
Crazy to think it's already been a month since Halloween.

last night I went up to Pine and chilled. Ended up spending the night there.
I woke up at about 9:15-- I dont even remember hearing the boys wake up and leave for class--
I think I was just really exhausted.

and in case you're wondering if rob and I cleared anything up last night:
that's a big NO.


but randy kept on makin' me laugh with his Rod Stewarts flying out everywhere and all the time.

So anyway, when I woke up I headed back to Sutter and got packed up the digital I rented from the digital photography building... (it had to be back by noon today..) after I returned the camera, I uploaded the images for my project that's due today ... and now I'm here in the computer lab.. it's 10:41-- i dont have class till 12:00.. but it's a really long walk home, and by the time I got there, I would have like 5 minutes to chill, then I'd have to head out again.
Plus, Rob and Randy have class on the 5th floor of this buliding today, and they get out at 11:30.
so I only have 45 minutes to kill before they get out.

I think I've decided that I'm not going to spend the night there anymore until he comes to a conclusion.
Not as like a .. with-holding thing or anything.. it just makes things worse for me.
too bad he has to be such a lame-o at the moment.
because he's a really cool kid.
but you know what??
if you don't count today, I will be home in 18 days.
and thats one of the coolest things I know right now.

My intro class is planning a soiree to celebrate the end of the semester.
apparently there's a bar down the street from the Taylor Photo Building (where we have class) that has "Dollar Beer Night" on tuesdays (the day we have class)
It's going to be funny to be drinking with professor ingersoll. I love that guy--
and I am absolutely ecstatic that I have him for color printing next semester.
anyway-- he's a crazy cool guy...
i have him for a six hour class and we're supposed to have a half-hour lunch break but he usually gives us an hour, sometimes more... and before the break, every time he's like "oh jeeze, I need a drink.."
and then he goes to Cybelle's and gets pizza and beer.
he's hilarious.

last night I was semi-bored and I looked back in my calendar on here and just read uo on what I was doing exactly a year ago.. it was funny.
we're coming up on a year since the night I got pulled over for passing curt when I had the wine in my car and Karyn and Kbat thought I was going to go to jail. (thats the night thwy recorded their "We Love Buffy" song... i think hah)
Later that night, Karyn, KBat, Curt, Kelly and I went to Serge's and Brian Gauthier was there and mixed us crazy drinks.
KBat called Mike "Magner" on the remote.. and asked him about his green tooth.
and I watched that crazy basketball game where the court was a giant trampoline.

hot damn, that was a good night.
and it snowed like crazy, too.

mmm.. Connecticut.. I love you!
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