Mar 18, 2010 20:05
It's been one of those days and it's turning into one of those nights! My day started at to my job at the PD. I really like this job and the people I work for. It's interesting, and makes me laugh. Of course, I am insulated from the 'bad part' pretty much because of the hours I work. That and the different officers and detectives I do see try and shield me and the two others civilians from the drunks/out of their heads idiots and other types. And not only do they leave me lots of work..they leave me lots of goodies and funny's. Then, as I am leaving, the day shift is coming on and quite a few of them now say hi and such. My supervisor told me on Monday that she got a compliment on me because I was 'helpful and cheerful'...(wasn't I supposed to be?!) And apparently can file correctly. (Hey! I know my ABC's!) Actually that apparently has been a problem...they had someone who couldn't figure out that 'L' goes before 'M' and so on.
Anyway, it was then off to classes. My 1st lecture went I get to my second class. Have you ever had a Professor who just 'phoned it in', so to speak? Yep. Got one. Except he doesn't even show half the time. Just leaves a tape player on the desk with a note that says 'play me'. :::rolls eyes::: Gee...glad I studied so hard for this class. (not that I did..but still!)
It's been one of those days and it's turning into one of those nights!
It was a beautiful day, so after finding out what the tape player had to say, I went out and relaxed in the sun under a tree and studied a bit. That was good. Then off I went to a private dance lesson. (competition this weekend) Then it was hop a bus to my next job. Oh yea. It's full in front and the only empty seats were in the back by an sprawled out 'sleeping' guy. Peggy was with me...she is a ballet dance -works for the NYB and we both debated just standing up front. But decided that with both of us it would be ok. Two stops later, Sean gets on. Sean goes to school with me and works at MickyD's. Sean is a big guy but as sweet as can be. (think Teddy Bear) Sean was not impressed with Mr. Drunk. The bus is full by now and the drunk is taking up three seats and his legs are across into the other three seats. Sean tells him to straighten up so people can sit down. The guy turns and throws up on the person sitting in front of him. To say the bus 'came undone' is an understatement. The guy that got thrown up on AND his lady are squawking...Mr Drunk says something nasty to her...then tells Sean he is going to rearrange Sean's face. Jason and Eric...friends and co-workers of Sean's chime in and Peggy and I are wishing we had walked Manhattan instead of taking the bus!
Mr. Busdriver comes back to find out what is going on just as the drunk puts his hands on the chest of the old lady sitting to the left of him. She slaps him. Sean pulls drunk guy up and ready to pound him for touching Granny...Busdriver throws drunk guy off the a roll of paper towels to the 'throwed up upon'guy and tells Sean to sit down. And then goes back and drives on.
Peggy and I got off the next stop.
THEN! (LOL Nope...not done yet.) I get to my Skiptrace job. I work in a very small department...five others. We handle the skiptracing for all the courts/PD/DA ...etc. We are very busy, to say the least. And, because of what information we work and databases we have access to, we have a lot of rules that are pretty much set in stone.
One of my co-workers is just a couple years older then I am. The others are a lot older. So, 'H', the one closest to my age works there full least until today. She has been warned three different times about texting at her desk. (not allowed) Twice she has been caught sleeping. Not allowed. Late back from breaks/lunch...late to work... Well. Today she got caught again texting at her desk. And she was fired.
Then the old biddy who works in front of me (she looks like 'Maxine' from the comics..but I don't want to laugh when 'S' gets going) anyway, she starts in about how young people don't have any work ethnics and just want to party. How the company should never hire anyone younger then thirty if they want the job done right. Excuse me?!
I work less hours then any of them, yet each week on the productivity report I top them. AND I have a 93percent 'find and close' rate. Hers is 27percent. SHE is sixty-one years old. I don't mouth off about 'all old people'. Mainly because people are different. Age doesn't apply to what a person does or doesn't do. (You know what I mean)
::::taking millionth deep breath of the day::::: ignoring her..she is old and nuts...( couldn't resist...)
So, I get off work, waiting for the train so I can head back to the studio, I turn on my phone. I have 28 calls from 'H' ...the first couple of messages she left is how she can't believe that they would just fire her on a little thing like that...etc. Do you think I am calling her back. NO Way!
I need a bubble bath.
But am going to go and dance now. And hopefully chase this day out of my head.
Hope your day was better then mine.
Thanks for letting me rant.