Feb 02, 2010 09:06
General: Tired and sick of winter. I was also sick, two weekends ago. Caught a chest cold from my coworker- not fun. Been knee-deep in theatre stuff, but after tonight that should let up for a bit, at least until the summer.
Work: March is going to be insane.
Cakes: Just made whipped cream for the first time this past weekend- maybe overwhipped it a little, but it tasted fine.
What grinds my gears: Politics in general have really been pissing me off a lot lately.
What's making me giggle: Dan's birthday party featured some fairly hilarious moments.
TV: Couldn't even get through 15 minutes of Caprica. Chuck has been great. Still waiting for Glee. *le sigh*
Actual relevant stuff: Scott Roeder was found guilty of murder. I believe he gets sentenced this week. Good. You can't preach about how life and death is in God's hands only, then shoot a man. In the face. In his church.
Also, I don't know if anyone else has been following the stories coming from the Prop 8 trial in California, but the anti-gay marriage people are getting totally blown away. What scares me is that despite their massive fail, they could still win.
CBS is airing a pro-life ad featuring Tim Tebow's family. Yet, in 2004, they wouldn't run an ad for the United Church of Christ (who were advertising their inclusiveness, especially towards the gay community). FAIL. Pull the ad, CBS. The Superbowl is no place for an abortion debate.
Movies: Haven't seen much lately- nothing since Avatar, I think. Kinda want to see Shutter Island.
Books: Hit a brick wall reading wise because of crafting. Also because Empire of Liberty is fucking heavy.
5 Things I'm Loving Right Now:
1. Tom's chicken parm.
2. Hell's Kitchen. It's inspired me to make a take-off on Beef Wellington- going to use mashed potato instead of pate and/or mushroom paste.
3. Multi-grain Cheerios and Chex Mix turtle bars.
4. 1776, of course.
5. March may be insane, but it's still going to be awesome (I'm moving in). :)