Hello hello hello! Fellow ASoIaF fans, I present the first ever ASoIaF history exchange. This exchange is only for fic and art based on the Dunk and Egg stories, the short stories The Princess and the Queen and The Rogue Prince, and the ASoIaF world book The World of Ice & Fire.
got_exchange will meet your needs for main series era or television show canon.
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Email address: crossingwinters@gmail.com
Are you eighteen years old or older? yes
Have you read the rules and do you agree to abide by them? yes
Will you be giving fic or art? fic
Would you prefer to receive fic or art? i'd probably prefer art, but am happy with fic
1st Pairing/Character you'd like: Black Aly Blackwood
Elements you like: I'd take a shippy thing with Cregan or a brotp/3 thing with her and Bloody Ben and Kermit
Elements you don't want: Rape/Abuse, First/second person
2nd Pairing/Character you'd like: Garth Greenhand's immediate offspring
Elements you like:You can focus on one if you'd like! If so, I'd prefer one of the ladies :)
Elements you don't want: Rape/Abuse
3rd Pairing/Character you'd like: Elaena Targaryen x Michael Manwoody
Elements you like: Many bonus points if Michael is younger than Elaena by a good few years
Elements you don't want: Rape/Abuse
4th Pairing/Character you'd like: The Grey King
Elements you like: -"The Grey King also taught men to weave nets and sails and carved the first longship from the hard pale wood of Ygg, a demon tree who fed on human flesh." Something involving The Grey King vs. Weirwoods
Elements you don't want: Rape/Abuse
What do you want to write/draw? Which characters, pairings, genres, etc. do you think you are best able to write or draw? Honestly, I'll take anything. I think the older the better, like I'd be super down to write about the Age of Heroes or the Dawn Age. But I'll take stuff that's more recent too. No real preference :)
What don't want to write/draw? Which characters, pairings, genres, etc. do you prefer not to write or draw? I'd prefer to write characters who aren't super closely explored by Martin. If that's not possible I'm chill though!
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