
Jul 07, 2011 19:05

Decided to take a break from wrapping up chapters in thesis, checking up on fav blogs when I came across this : http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/07/05/richard-dawkins-and-male-privilege/#more-34178

Some of the comments are just so off-putting, and the analogies some people are using are just awful, but something in particular by guy named Benji just gave me the heeby-jeebies.

I want to work Judth Butler into my lit review but it may mean a bit of a rewrite. I'll be picking up on the conversation about agency in my analysis, I really need to work butler in early if I want to put her out during my analysis. D:! I still haven't narrowed down which quotes and concepts I want to borrow and elaborate on (really just want to throw the whole book in there!). Finishing up my review on Women's work rendered invisible, Branding and community formation, as well as my Herbalife profiling. @_@ All this needs to get wrapped up by tonight.

Tomorrow I hope to begin my theoritical framework: Relations and Positions (yeah, duh!), complete my analysis, and add butler into the conversation about women's work (I really want to establish a view on gender that will support, really the positions performed by women, which suggests perfomativity(WTF?) is expressed through the work(discourses around the work/of work) as female work and thus explains why its rendered invisbile.

Ok, yeah. Enough talking, gotta go back to doing... D:
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