[Elicia's been confused. Very confused. And it certainly didn't make it better than Sanji was gone, and that her family vanished from their 'home', and that now as she sits in her room with all her things, she wonders-wonders if they were all really that upset. After all, what's wrong with having lots of family here? Why did they all seem to be so sad, or angry, or bitter? She found papa here, where she'd otherwise've never seen him again. And then, she had sisters and a brother, and more uncles and more grandpas and even a great grandpa.
... Why don't any of you like that? What's wrong with having your old family and your new family?
She wondered if that's why big sis Nami was away. She wondered if that's why big bro Sanji was suddenly gone (ah, if only she understood the problems with why they're gone, each so very different and yet justifiable). She wondered if they were mad. Mad at her, maybe? Because she lied, even when she didn't mean to? Is that why Xion left in the early morning, and then Miya soon after? Is that why they all just walked away, like knowing it was fake was suddenly a reason to forget all the good, happy things they did?
I love you all! Why'd you go? What'd I do wrong?
She walks on her knees across her room, now back with papa (and what a relief, to have papa back, though she's still a little confused why he was granpapa), and picks up a piece of paper and draws it all out: the mikan festival, her papa's silly orange outfit, big bro Sanji caught up in his fatherly, brotherly ways, Sheena and Alexei and Zoro and everyone. She was so happy that day. That wasn't fake, she promises. She promises it wasn't fake! Even if they got a little confused about who was who, it was all real, and she really did love them all! And even if it's over and people remember things, she still loves you all!
That's all that matters!]
[the buzz of silence, for a few seconds]
It's all real funny... Everything's real funny... B-but-!!
[another pause, like she's thinking, really thinking.
When she speaks up again, there's a determined, watery noise in her tone.]
But why's that mean it's gotta all go away? How come we can't have both? What's wrong with being families still?! I know it was just make pretend, b-but it wasn't! Don't all go away and not wanna be family no more... 'Cause p-'cause papa says you don't gotta be from the same family to be a real family! You don't! So please, still be my family here...
I want you guys to stay my family... Please, pretty please... 'cause I know me and papa want you to. 'Cause you're still my family, even if you don't wanna be mine...!
[another pause-she's full of them, it seems]
... Is it okay if I put my pictures on my wall, from when we picked fruits?
[Later on after school-what a lonely, quiet day it seemed, today-she sits in front of her real house, watching just how much this place seemed to be effected. It was sad. It was so sad, to see everyone so sad. She had to do something, something to make it happy! But what should she do? There's gotta be... something fun. Something that'd make people smile, like before! When she played giant robo!
Aha! Mama always said that when you give compliments, people feel better about themselves!
So she pulls out her New Feathers Stand and sits at it, except with a new sign (...proooobably with a little help from a certain papa. Judging by the spelling.):]