[Something was really, really different. You didn't have to be a grown-up to tell people were turning into stuff. But Elicia-of course, being Elicia-never considered she'd be one of the ones on the list of the changed. After school she went home, and then... poof. Different. She felt it. And with good reason: under her normal clothes was a layer of red and black much like a different '
person' from her world. Her hair was suddenly pitch black on her head, and her the pupils of her eyes were no longer rounded, but sharp like a snake's. And purple.
And had she any mind to check further, a blood-red tattoo had formed over the bumps of her tongue. With it came an intense hunger. Scared as she was to show her papa and sis, she snuck out of her room and into the kitchen. And then sat down and began to eat the entire box of cereal. And then ate an entire box of cookies. And... then ate an entire box of leftover pasta. Hey, she wasn't gonna... but it looked good, okay?!
Soon there were boxes littering the floor.
Still, so hungry... :'| ]
I feel really funny... Is it 'cause there are people turning into animals and stuff? I saw some on the way home, and then I turned funny, too! See? My hair's a funny color, now! And I got funny eyes, now... I like my other eyes better...
[A pause. Sniffle, sniff.]
A-and it's making me really hungry...! But I already ate lots of food, a-and I don't know why I'm still hungry...
[Action hooooo]
[If you need her, she'll be in the front yard a few hours later, looking a little miserable. In fact, it's so overwhelming, she'll sneak out of the house at around 9:00-bedtime's hour-and go to the grocery store, where she'll proceed to hide out near the back and eat snacks. Mainly sweets, because darn it they taste so good ;~; Where is this food all fitting? It's a mystery unless you watched FMA .
Will she get back in time to not give her father a heart-attack? That depends on the people who find her, if papa notices, and Dani if she's as good a ninja as she is a gluttonous homunculus. Have no fear, she's not the people-eating type that Gluttony is. |Db
This is going to be a long week.]
((ooc: I figure since ~homunculus~ is vague in FMA canon and wouldn't make any sense to be JUST that, Elicia'll be a Gluttony homunculus, since they need a sin to go with them. Replies will be coming from
taberuyo, and I MAY use icons on here for icons that don't fit the 15, so just make believe on those. |D;; ))