5th Teddy Bear [Action]

Oct 01, 2010 15:08

[Are you walking though a certain hallway in CH4, Floor 6? Or are you passing casually by the front of the school? If you are, then you'd better watch out-from behind, a figure leaps from the corner, fake aluminum and cardboard sword in hand! Who could it be but the most devilish of all villains...!]

Yaaaargh, gimme all your valurables!

♪ And then I'll save your princesses!! ♪

[Yes, it's Elicia donning pirate wear! Or, at least, an eyepatch and a saber. Close enough, right? She's been hearing an awful lot about pirates, and with this whole 'Halloween' thing coming up, she has a lot to think about! :U]

♦Luke, it's the cutest pirate, ♦Jack, oh lord, ♦Rydia, ♦Vash, ♦Riku, nami what have you done, ♦Papa, 300 hours in opencanvas, ♦Sokka, ♦Ted, next week it'll be giant robots :|, ♦Rena, ♦Kirimi

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