Title: What Were They Thinking?
asnowyowlPairing: Severus/Harry
Summary: The emotions and thoughts of three people spending a summer day at the Burrow
Rating/Warning: PG. There is the mention of MPREG, but it is only in theory and no one is pregnant (or even seriously thinking about it)
Word Count: 776
Notes: Written as a prize for the Trivia challenge on
mini_fest. Written for
centaury_squill with the prompt: Dobby. Beta’d by
What Were They Thinking?
Gods, he was insufferable, acting like he knew everything, had never made a damned mistake. Well, that mark on his arm proved otherwise, didn’t it?
He was pompous and snide and mean as an old bat, especially to Harry’s friends, especially when he called them names right in front of Harry.
And children! Well, that was out of the question, wasn’t it? Harry’d heard that wizards could take potions and perform rituals to allow them to become pregnant, but why bother when the child would end up with only one real father? After all, Severus Snape would never lower himself to burping an infant or changing a nappy.
No. It’d always be just the two of them. But that certainly wasn’t easy. Just going out in public was trying. Severus hung at his shoulder, barely moving a meter away, hardly allowing Harry to breathe, much less socialize.
How the hell had he ever thought this would work? Everyone had warned him what a prickly bastard Snape was. Why hadn’t he listened?
Because he’d been besotted, that’s why. And if he wasn’t with Severus, well, who else would be? No, Harry had to make sure the man didn't spend the rest of his years alone.
At least the sex was fantastic. There was something to be said for having a prickly bastard as a lover, the number of pairs of handcuffs alone….
What an impertinent, self-obsessed brat, acting all puffed-up and brave in public when Severus well knew how often nightmares tore screams from his throat.
He was insufferable, really, that was the only word for it. What else could it be called when Harry sided with Ronald Weasley in a debate over chess strategies? As if Severus calling Weasley a moron was anything new. He did it all the time.
And had Molly Weasley actually dropped some horrible hint about children? Potter was hardly grown up himself, certainly not mature enough to handle an infant. Merlin, he'd probably name it James or Sirius or Dobby. Severus shuddered. He could only imagine how horrible a role model Harry would be, what with his recklessness, his abandon, and his rule breaking. There was no way Severus could look after two of them: Harry and a child. He would die a thousand deaths each day.
As it was, going out together was a nightmare. Potter-obsessed fans tried to rip Harry apart to obtain a souvenir of the Boy Who Lived. If Severus didn’t act the part of bodyguard, there’d be no Harry Potter left for them to ogle. No, he’d be strewn over half of England and a fair amount of Scotland.
Well, it wasn't as if he hadn’t been warned. Even Minerva had said, 'Harry Potter is a handful, Severus, are you sure you’re up to the task?'
No, perhaps he wasn't, but if it hadn't been for Severus Snape, Harry Potter would have drowned himself in memories and self-pity. As always, Severus had been the one to sacrifice.
Sometimes he only retained his sanity due to the benefits of having a young, vigorous spouse. At least in the bedroom Harry's recklessness and abandon could be put to proper use (or be properly restrained).
Her children and their spouses, and her beloved grandchildren, were all playing and chatting, scattered over the Burrow's lawn, just as it should be.
Perhaps she'd overstepped her bounds when she mentioned wanting grandchildren from Harry, but she treated the boy no differently than any of her own children… her other children.
As expected, the question had made Harry scowl and Severus bluster. They sniped at each other and glowered and growled, but that was how they always handled relationship questions. They'd squabble for a while and then come to some decision or other. In fact, soon, very soon… ah… yes, there it was.
Harry tugged on Severus's arm, whispered in his ear.
Severus smiled. Something he only ever did for Harry.
And Molly was amazed, as usual, that two people who were so different could be so much in love. She watched Harry and Severus dart away, hand-in-hand, toward the garden hedge. She'd have to keep the grandchildren away for a bit, she supposed. No sense giving them that kind of education!
She counted the grandchildren, making sure none had wandered away, and silently added one more for the baby she hoped would be in their midst by next summer.
Yes, after ten years of being bonded, Harry and Severus really should be ready to take that next step. She wiped her hands on her apron and smiled, imagining a black-haired, dark-eyed baby. She'd mention it again over dinner.