Title: Knowing
asnowyowlPairing(s): Al/James
Rating: R to be safe
Summary: Al knows what's right
Word Count (or Medium for artists): 100
Warnings: Implied incest (brothers)
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author/Artist's Notes: Written to commemorate the new
albus_james comm. Don't you just love it when the header is almost longer than the actual fic??
Everyone would say it was wrong. If they knew, they'd condemn them both, so Al kept the secret close.
But he knew this was right. He knew from the song his body trilled when thick fingers stroked his flesh. He knew because his heart was whole when it beat alongside his lover's, rhythms in sync. He felt it when he was filled to bursting, and when his own seed pulsed onto freckled skin.
He ducked from his mother's gaze, hid from his father's. He raced to James, his James, his lover, and lost himself in the only thing worth knowing.