Title: A Certain Kind of Fool
asnowyowlPairing: Severus/Harry
Summary: For Severus, everything changes when Harry and his children move into Hogwarts. Albus Severus has taken a liking to him and it seems Harry Potter has a secret.
Rating/Warnings: NC17; Partially epilogue compliant. Includes rimming
Beta: The wonderful and lovely
bk7brokemybrain - All remaining mistakes are my own. If you see any errors, please point them out to me - with a fic this large, it's easy to let some slip by without notice.
Word Count: 38,700
Author Notes: Written for the spectacular
sra_danvers for her contribution to
help_haiti. I promised Marta at least 3000 words, the fic kind of took off from there. I'm so glad she is a patient woman. The fic title and all chapter titles are taken from Eagles songs.
"A Certain Kind of Fool"