Title: Happy Birthday, Dudley!
asnowyowlCharacters: Harry, Dudley, Charlie (Dudley/Charlie preslash)
Summary: Dudley's content with the direction his life is going.
Word count: 100
Summary: Written for the 'Happy Birthday Dear Dudders' challenge at
dudley_redeemed Happy Birthday, Dudley!
It seemed impossible, but after he and Harry had put the past behind them, all of Harry's friends had become Dudley's as well. In fact, he'd completely lost track of the old gang. But as he looked around his twenty-fifth birthday gathering, Dudley had no regrets.
His gaze rested on Charlie until the man gave him a soft smile.
He wondered what Harry would think of him becoming more than just friends with a Weasley. A male Weasley.
He needn't have worried as Harry bumped his shoulder and whispered, "You'll make a great couple."
Dudley nodded and returned Charlie's smile.