Rocket built!! Check!! Chaching! Andrew, Chris, and I built our rockets today...yay! woohoo!! Score...done with physics for the year! And by done with physics I really mean I still have to write a conclusion for this lab, take a test tomorrow, and study for a final...but close enough, one step closer at least!
Haha I fell alseep on Chris's bed today and was awaken by tickling (what a shocker huh?!). We went upstairs after our rockets were done to see some cool design chris made (mad awesome btw!!!)and Andrew and Chris ended up playing some game on Chris's computer so I decided to take a nap since I didn't want to go home! Not sure how long a slept, but it was cool. Then when we were leaving smelly alex drove up to my car and so the four of us were talking and he tried to give me a hug but he was all yucky and smelly from the gym! Then I came home, got yelled at more, ate, got yelled at more, then got on the computer! Fun times! Today has been...productive...except besides physics related stuff (rocket and instrument being a success- [You can't spell success without CCES!]) not at all. Meh... skit practice tonight, although I don't think I'm in anymore skits this year. I am not in one for this friday and next monday I have a coaches meeting so I won't be at practice therefore no skits for the next one...meh! I am so bored, I think i'll be leaving soon just to get out of the house! CONA MEETING IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!!! YAY!!!! Tomorrow is random hippie day yay!!! Oooo and AHS SENIORS- Wed, Thurs, and Fri will be senior spirit days- Formal day (prom dresses), College Day, and 05 day- last green and white day... shall be fun, spread the word and go all out!!!
Yeah, I really think I will stop writing randomness and leave! I love you all!