So, As you may or may not know, I'm working on a comic book. I managed to find a website that will allow me to print up as many (or as few) copies as I would like for about 5 dollars each. Ok, so that's kinda high, sure, but it'll look like how it's supposed to be presented. It won't be computer paper stapled together, it'll be a nice, bound comic. so for about $50, I can have ten copies to have out during the senior show. Super! Now, really, five bucks is cheap, material-wise. When you think about the fact that I don't have to buy paint or canvas or whatever, I win. But the more copies I make, the more it'll cost me. My prof wanted me to print out, like 250-500... I didn't know how much it would cost me at the time, but I knew it was more than I had. In the end, I want to print as many as I can, but we'll see how much money I have.
So my other project. I'm thinking about my last crit, and people really seemed to like the look of the comic. Said that work was the most "finished looking" I'd done. I thought about it and came to a few conclusions. When I can run something through Photoshop, it looks a lot better. When I'm not hand inking, hand lettering, whatever, and can do nice shading, it comes out much better. I'm a commercial artist, I guess, commercial is my game. So I want to make a t-shirt. A while back, someone suggested I make an "Art! Do it for the naked girls!" shirt.
The original
Well, I'd thought about it, decided not to, didn't wanna. Want to now. So I start to work on the design while I'm talking to Shai and I realize that if I could get people to BUY these shirts, I can make MONEY to pay for PRINTING. Art shall beget art! Plus it'll be a piece for senior studio! What could be greater?!
So, now I send out the alarm. Shai said I should hit up DeviantArt, LiveJournal, and MySpace. I haven't hit MySpace cause I think that would be useless. Anyway, here's the kickass "Art! Do it for the naked girls! v2.0!" design
T-shirts are avalible in white, black, and grey, and there are also women's shirts AND a nifty button. Also I will tell you when the book is printed and, as far as I can tell, you can order one for yourself online. Pretty cool, huh? Yay art!
Go buy my stuff!