Snack attack!!!

Jan 19, 2006 23:57

So tonight I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and was still hungry so I rummaged around in our snack drawer. I found (delight of delights) some packages of those little orange peanut butter cracker sandwiches. So I take a pack, pour some milk, and eat them standing over a trash can next to the computer while I talk to my mom.

So these crackers, they're a bit old, they're sorta soggy and whatever, but that's not terrible, and I'm hungry. So I eat three, and look at the pack to get another and my brain tells me there's spices on them, like rosemary or rye seeds. That's what it looks like at any rate. But oh wait, rye seeds don't move along the crackers like that.

But fucking ants do.

I spat and spat and gargled and spat but the fact is, I ate three cracker-sandwiches worth of ants. And now they're inside me, and my imagination is trying to tell me that they're trying to climb back out my throat.

And here's how much of a loser I am:

Mom: "So is that going to make it into your away message?"
Me: "That? No way, that's LiveJournal material right there."
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