NAME: Kelley
princeoffoolsCURRENT CHARACTERS, if any: Phoenix Wright/Truth (
PERSONALITY: Klavier is outwardly warm, friendly, and charming. Seemingly trustworthy and honest, he's charismatic enough to make friends of most people, and something more than friends of many. He's a bit forward at times, and somewhat obviously fond of women.
Peel back the charming exterior, and he's nothing more than a beast. The outward persona is just a front to draw in his prey- humans. He's predatory, calculating, manipulative, and vindictive when showing his "true colors". Klavier will stoop to using any and all of his abilities to seek revenge, no matter how petty it may make him. He doesn't care for humans unless they belong to him, and really views them simply as his prey- much like mindless, teeming herds of cattle. He's a filthy creature, and really only cleans himself of blood and gore to fit in and hunt humans better.
He is driven by his hungers- both lustful and actual hunger for food. "Food" comprises of human flesh, generally, and freshly killed by himself, or human souls. Whoever can provide for him has his superficial's just not recommended that they stop seeing that his hunger is satiated- else he turn on them. That is not to say he is easily swayed to leave his "master" or betray them, simply that he expects them to provide for him, one way or the other.
Klavier is strange in that, though driven by lust, he can also love very deeply. Klavier sees those that he loves in more animalistic terms, and is deeply possessive of them. Being slightly mentally unbalanced (but honestly, he's a demon- can you blame him?), Klavier is capable of harboring delusions when the mood suits him, and seems to not understand the firm dividing line of "life" and "death" that mortals experience.
There is one thing the demon holds "sacred"- those that he sees as being innocent. As an incubus, Klavier views children as being innocent souls, untarnished, and therefore "above" the basic, lustful humans that he hunts. He is genuinely kind to children, and is fiercely protective of them.
BACKGROUND: Klavier was born to one of the nomadic tribes of incubi and succubi that inhabit purgatorium and the first circle of Hell. Reaching maturity quickly, as his kind does, Klavier left his homelands after ten years and ventured into the upper realms inhabited by humans.
He was happy. He had prey.
...and then he met her. His Beloved. She was a human, but Klavier loved her deeply, madly. They were happy for a short while, the woman and her lover masquerading as a human, before things fell apart. Convinced that his Beloved was going to leave him, Klavier killed her in a fit of jealous rage so that no other man would be able to "possess" her. He locked himself in with her body for one month- slowly eating her rotting corpse and necrophiling her over that time. After the third week, Klavier decapitated her body and carved open his own chest. Cutting the heart from his body, he stuffed it into her mouth and buried her head.
After a month, he was discovered by her family, and fled. Lord Constable Valentine Fitzgrey was assigned to the case, but was killed and partially eaten by Klavier while trying to apprehend him. Valentine's friend and former lover, the Lord Constable Archibald Verityr, took up the case in an effort to avenge Valentine's death, and was able to lock Klavier away. Klavier, seeing into Archibald's dreams, was able to figure out just how close he and Valentine were, and took on Valetnine's appearance.
Archibald sold his soul for immortality, and would spend the next nearly 500 years torturing the demon in retribution for Valentine's slaying and for biting off half of Archibald's hand. When Klavier proved to be a nuisance to his dreams, he tattooed an angelic seal on his back to prevent Klavier from using his abilities and to keep him truly isolated. Klavier lived for 500 years, weakened from lack of any "food" down to what would be "normal human" abilities and status.
When Archibald finally died, Klavier was forgotten to the world. In an effort to break free of the seal, Klavier impaled himself on an old cell door. Weakened, he bled out from the wound and died.
His body was found, days later, by a doctor known as "The Butcher" (Galen). The Butcher, a powerful mage, was able to revive Klavier and put him to service collecting humans for use in his research. Klavier was, of course, allowed to feed on the corpses after Galen had completed his vivisections.
Venturing once again into dreams, Klavier encountered a young girl with long blond hair. She called herself Annabelle, and Klavier occasionally visited her, acting as a "guardian demon" and scaring away the monsters that inhabited her nightmares. He was accompanied by the Queen of Fools, a large woman with ass's ears that watched over Annabelle when he was gone.
Bonus info I will not be playing with, as I am pulling him before this in his canon omg I know: Over time, he learned that Annabelle was, in fact, deceased, or so she claimed to be. Her soul was apparently stuck in the astral plane inhabited by dreaming minds. Klavier and The Queen were inventions of her own mind- meant to personify emotions and feelings, and to protect her from her nightmares. "Annabelle" is actually a living woman, and the little girl was simply a version of herself that she dreamed up.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: To start, Klavier is an incubus. In my personal "canon", that makes him a low-class demon. As incubi and succubi deal mostly with humans, they have to blend in well, and this means having a tangible body and appearing human 75% of the time. They are generally also a bit looked-down upon by other demons, seen as having to consort with humans to survive (and they do). Static abilities and the ones he can "unlock" are as follows:
Physical Attributes: (static) He has higher than average human strength and speed- capable of topping out at about 35mph at a full run (human top speed is roughly 29mph), lifting roughly 700lbs, and exerting roughly 600psi of force with his bite (humans top out at about 175psi). He can heal from generally mortal injuries unless a holy object is involved, or his soul is actually damaged. These abilities are all highly dependent on when he has last fed (on either flesh or spirit), and as seen in his history, will fade away given enough time. On the converse of this- if Klavier is able to gorge on souls, these abilities would increase and he would be capable of taking on a fully demonic form (with wings and all- Something like
this but with tattered, bat-like wings).
Camoflage: (static) Demons can blend into shadows and dark places, rendering themselves nearly invisible. It actually takes concentration for them not to, and is more of an automatic reaction than concentrated shapeshifting.
Shapeshifting: Klavier can shape-shift to a degree, mostly things such as changing his appearance (hair and eye color, face shape, body build) to appeal to a wider range of "victims". He is also capable for shifting out of his more human form into a more demonic one- his jaws are considerably wider, mouth larger, he has sharp claws, and has horns while in this form.
Dreamwalking: Klavier can access dreams as if they were another level of consciousness, and can travel freely through them and interact with the dreams if he so desires. It is through this that he is able to "eat" souls- consorting with people through dreams saps their energy and leads to symptoms of extreme fatigue and depression. These symptoms (and the sustenance he gains from these encounters) are worse for the victim in cases that he engages in sexual contact, but any encounter with an incubus while in this state of consciousness results in the same symptoms over a prolonged period of time.