Mar 16, 2004 08:45
That said, I'm at school waiting to get on break. I rolled my next few cigarettes so now is just waiting a bit. Fuck this snow. Snow was cool a while ago but now that I actually have to drive in it, any kind of snow sucks ass. Not even snow so much, but ice. Anyway I stayed up until 4am last night playing FFX-2 Save Game Plus which was awesome. This is the first square game I have done that with and it is definately awesome. My character rizzule! and I gotz da gil early in the game. I want to get my grade back from the lab we did yesterday as I know I only missed one thing so I'm looking forward to it. From the string of the few shitty grades I've had recently it will be a nice surprize definately.
Remember E-Z Wider for your chronic needs!