Meme thing from Vanni...

May 11, 2006 07:40

Tagged by yellow_taxi

Explain your LiveJournal name and its meaning. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name. (I'm just wondering if I can cheat and only tag three with "Liz"...)

There's not a good story for where my name comes from. If any of you are familiar with the website Rinkworks, then you may know that there's a Fantasy Name Generator on the site. Well, back in sophomore year when I decided I was going to write a fantasy novel, I played around with that thing for hours, and one of the best names it spit out at mea was "Asmearis" which I said aloud... "az...MEER...iss?" and I liked the way it sounded. So I kept it. Later, Asmearis became the name of my character on the text-based RPG's on the same website, and then later Asmearis got into my novel and was was legendary seer and the late mother of my main character.

...yeah, I know I'm a total dork...


Tagging: (Doing three because Liz is the name...) orange_lamp, ephnat, nekokenchan.
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