(no subject)

Feb 03, 2006 14:08

february is kicking my ass!

i was starting to feel a little better last night, and then my throat started hurting and my eye was really itchy right before i went to bed. so i wake up this morning, cant open my eye, go to school because i'm a retard, and come home after a period and a half. go to the doctor [again ugh.but she said i probably don't need surgery which is awesome!] and i now have pink eye along with a scratched cornea and the early symptoms of strep. and a nosebleed but that's not really being sick. i think my immune system is just giving up and i'm getting all the shit i was supposed to get over the past couple of years. im on heavy meds and eye drops so i should be good by monday. until then, i can't leave the house really because i'm really contagious. ahhh ruined weekend. ahh no waking up at 5 saturday and sunday to open. wait, that's amazing. my paycheck won't be, but maybe this can make up for the huge lack of sleep i have.

anyway, come over, bring me soup and coffee and tea, hell run out for me i'll pay for it. i won't touch you i promise. i'm way too sanitary when it comes to infections. but hey it's nice out and not raining anymore. i'm gonna go fuck around in my backyard with my dogs and my bike because i don't have anything else better to do. i'd make food for people but i don't want to get them sick. whatevs! at least i got drops that make me be able to open my eye, because that was a serious problem earlier today. ramble ramble ramble sick ramble nice day out bye!

helloairports: FUCK MY LIFE I GOT PINK EYE
helloairports: hahahahhaahha
GO SKATE1220: i fuckin love pink eye
GO SKATE1220: if you still have it for monday ill give you like $2 for your pink eye
GO SKATE1220: i had pink eye like 12 times already
GO SKATE1220: its great
helloairports: while im houseridden i'll drink a jug of orange juice for ya
GO SKATE1220: hell yeah
GO SKATE1220: i cant believe you got pink eye thats freakin awsome
GO SKATE1220: im jeoulous

lalastronaut: i went to 1.5 classes today
lalastronaut: went to the nurse
listenn2slayer: hmmm.
lalastronaut: and shes liek OMG GO HOME NOW
listenn2slayer: AIDSSSSSSS
lalastronaut: hahahahhahaha'
listenn2slayer: im bringing u get better chappele
listenn2slayer: thats it.
listenn2slayer: JAMAL
listenn2slayer: too many things are keeping me from you miss. aint no mountain high enough. aint no eyelid inflamed enough
lalastronaut: hahaha
listenn2slayer: to keep me from chillin with chuuu girll

BoulevardxTrashx: YOU HAVE PINKEYE?
lalastronaut: YEAH
BoulevardxTrashx: UGH I NEVER GET PINK EYE
lalastronaut: hahaa jealous?
BoulevardxTrashx: ...yes.
BoulevardxTrashx: D:
lalastronaut: i love you jaycox.
BoulevardxTrashx: hahah i love you too megatron.

lalastronaut: the only thing left for me to get is aids.
lalastronaut: sw33t brah
mikerubinoass9er: yeah, then you would be a triple threat
lalastronaut: nobody would fuck with me
lalastronaut: or just fuck me for that matter
mikerubinoass9er: or fuck you
mikerubinoass9er: yeah
lalastronaut: hahaha
lalastronaut: i'd be the most dangerous human being on the planet
lalastronaut: until like tuesday when my pink eye goes away
mikerubinoass9er: you already almost were
lalastronaut: i know
lalastronaut: all i need are my claws back and aids
lalastronaut: and i'm all set
mikerubinoass9er: yeah, then your claws would give people aids
lalastronaut: OHHH MANNN
lalastronaut: poison aids claws!
mikerubinoass9er: ...i think thats how it works
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