Exams finished on Friday at 10am. I handed my paper in a 8.30am because I didn't want any chance of it being late.
Post exam life has so far been amazing. Friday I went out to lunch in this nice tapas place near the charity shops. Saturday was Nerd East where I got the LARP dagger I need for my next character and some really pretty robes and matching dress thing.
Sunday was shatleg, which apart from the rain and still being a little sick, was awesome. Kasia didn't die, which was good as that would have sucked because of her wedding.
Monday we sorted out ref stuff for the summer system (henceforth known as Realms of York). I think it is going to be awesome. I hope it will be. I don't want to be known as Fail!Ref. I have a few really really dun NPCs to play. I use to do a lot of acting and whilst playing Kasia/Nanette/Tory is fun, I am also looking forward to doing a wider range of personalities.
And then there was Tuesday. Tuesday involved rather a lot of alcohol at a very different establishment and was massively fun. We ended up dancing in Reflex and being proper students!
Which leaves me at today which is kind of a big deal for Kasia. Because it is her wedding. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited!
Yay for dress. Yay for cake. Yay for roleplay!