Apr 06, 2007 03:03
What a weird a night. I went out with some of my committed but fun loving friends to the Pyramid for Mod night. I haven't been to a bar in ages (apart from ol' faithful - BI) and it was very strange. First off - they were playing music I was rocking to 17 years ago. The Cure. the Smiths, Joy Division. It was awesome in a disco kind of way.
Second, I met up with some people from my distant past.
First, I met some girls I had gone to school with in junior and high school. They had been nerds, but now one was pseudo hot. Weird.
Second, I met my first official girlfriend who I had dated for two weeks when I was 15. It turns out she has a 13 year old daughter which made me feel very old.
Finally, I swear another ex was there though I couldn't be sure. She had broken my heart and set me on the jaded journey with women hence. I've always wanted to make peace, but I couldn't tell if it was someone similar or the real things. Weird.
I had a good time, but Mod night is essentially a re-hash of culture I experienced half a life-time ago...