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It's only the truth; I am what I have made myself. I am coarse, I am cruel, and I do not know mercy. I know this; you may scream, you may cry, and I shall not change myself. I don't care for your opinion, and I do not heed it; What matters it to me if you find me unfair? I am pleased with myself, thank you, and I do not need to explain myself to you.
Why do you look at me as if you can change me? Bah. You may be Roma, you may be Gadje, but you are not me. And as such, you have no right to judge me. I belong to neither of you; I am myself, and that is all.I will not change myself for the likes of you. Not for a gypsy, not for a Lord.
Why do you care? To me, it is the only way; do you really need to know why? Is it not enough that I am unyeilding, unsympathetic, and I revel in it? It is who I am, and I shall not be shamed, not by heritage nor by society.
You may keep your medals, and you may keep your dancing.
I am what I am.