Oct 19, 2004 20:03
yeah said what I needed to..didnt work out so well...I hurt a lot of people especially the one I really care about...I also hurt myself...I am so stupid...man...oh well...I wish Steve would come outta all this ok...This whole situation isnt gonna hurt you...Ruthy and you werent together long enough for anything detromental to happen...and you knew the precautions before anything happened...but I cant say much...cuz I am a stupid bitch and did the same thing...regardless I am here for you Steve
I hope I get to go to church tomorrow...I need to get some good praying going on...I know after school tomorrow I am going to Putt Putt since we get out early...and I am gonna meet RJ and hang out for a while....then I gotta work at 4 then I hope I go to church...yeah
I am going away almost all weekend to Radford with Claire...I am so excited I love her so much...she is one of my best friends now...I didnt know we would be so close...but it is awesome...we are going to get our hair dyed...go to a couple of parties and spend some time together away from everyone...it will be good for the both of us...I know she needs it...and I know I do too...
On Friday we are all going to the ScareMare...if you guys wanna hook up and go...definetly hit the cell..so far I know its me Zac Claire Brandon Josh Ryan Jill and maybe Matt S....so you guys should all go...hit the cell and let me know (221-7027)
Well I am gonna go to bed...my AIM is messed up and I cant IM people...so I am just gonna sleep and hope I die while I am at it...