Current users can use the "Check for Updates..." menu item under the "asLJ" menu to get this update.
[Note that there was never a version 0.3a.5 released.]
DOWNLOAD (this is alpha software and probably has bugs. it is provided as-is-be careful and use it at your own risk.)
- Added Dreamwidth to the list of possible servers (asLJ is only regularly tested with LiveJournal and InsaneJournal; other servers may not work-please let me know if you try another server, whether you were successful, and if there was an error message)
- changed the way the popup list of servers is constructed so that adventurous power users might be able to add servers themselves, should any more new servers appear.
- replaced "About" dialog box with proper Cocoa About box
- requires OS X 10.5
- passwords must be saved into the keychain (no way to require password to be entered every time)
- there's no means of saving/loading drafts or entries
- userpics (the actual images) don't load consistently in the past entry editing window
- Unicode support is incomplete-it is likely that you can post entries with special Unicode characters to your own journal, but not communities, and you can't edit entries containing special Unicode characters.